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Forums - Sales Discussion - Christmas 2010: PS3 vs Xbox360

I think Kinect will sell more than Move even if I think Move seems better... the casual will jump on the kinect cause it's look fun - the same reason they have buy the wii couple of years before. Halo Reach will probably be the system sellers and GT5 will be not too far away behind...

For that reason I think xbox will sell a little bit more !!

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I don't thing DC universe will be a major factor...

I'm getting tired of people saying that Kinect will sell loads just because it "looks" fun for the casuals. Really, it "looks" fun, so everyone will jump on it. It has to actually "be" fun, and at this point, we can't make any conclusions. If making money was as easy as making something that looked fun, then I'm sure Nintendo or SONY would have decided to use this.

I'm also tired of people comparing the Wii to Kinect and saying Kinect because it's similar to the wii. It's going to be harder for Kinect because 1.) Kinect will have to compete with the already established and cheaper wii, 2.) XBOX has built a reputation on being a hardcore console, 3.) doesn't cater to existing fans, and not to mention the alleged limitations/rules Kinect has. Here are the launch titles for Kinect and Wii:

So people are saying that Casual customers will buy a Hardcore console with a casual peripheral before a cheaper wii (which is cheaper and has great games released and releasing). All this because the device looks "fun". I've some Kinect videos that didn't look like they were fun to the consumer. I'm not saying that Kinect won't be successful, I'm just saying people shouldn't make conclusions at this point in time. 

in the US the 360 will probably kick butt but with possible news that a 320 gb ps3 will release with a possible temporary price cut on other models, who knows.  WW, it will defiantly be ps3.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

To Kinect and Nintendo comparisions:


Microsoft is neither Nintendo nor Apple. Even if they try. A Zune is no Ipod .

A microsoft store is no Apple store and Kinect is not Wii. 


Actually I really doubt that most of the people who bought the WII will buy Kinect.

And to Halo Reach it could be somewhat of a Systemseller since the Xbox360S is on the market and people probably will upgrade and could buy a Halo Reach bundle to do that.

GT5 on the other hand is a slow burner like always and it will contribute to the profile of the Playstation 3 and sell a lot consoles on long sight imo. 

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I agree that GT5 will have a long term push for ps3 console sales, however, I also believe it will have a pretty significant surge at release.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

I can see Kinect as a bigger system seller than the Move but only because MIcrosoft are pushing it so hard. Seriously, every UK game retailer's website's home page are covered with ads for Kinect, whilst Move has a little space in the corner somewhere.

Looking at previous sales of the Gran Turismo franchise, I think it's safe to say that GT5 will be one of the biggest PS3 system sellers in a long time. Whether this and Move can outperform the MS Christmas lineup is anyone's guess.

IMO, I think X360 will just about edge the PS3 out what with the new model looking very strong and Kinect being pushed like crazy. But who knows when a new GT is on the horizon?

i think neither move or kinect will do much for sales.......

bevochan said:

Which system will sell more this holiday season? 

Xbox360 has Halo Reach as the only system seller coming out in Sept and Kinect.

PS3 has Gran Turismo 5, LittleBigPlanet 2, DC Universe Online (not sure if this will be a system seller) and Move.

Saying Halo Reach is all Xbox 360 has is an understatment. I'm willing to forgive you forgetting about Fable 3. But, Halo Reach is THE most important game of this holiday season, year, and generation. Halo Reach is all the Xbox 360 needs.

kain_kusanagi said:

 But, Halo Reach is THE most important game of this holiday season, year, and generation. 

You forgot "IMO". 

And this generation isn't over yet.