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Forums - Sales Discussion - Its time to admit it. PS3 will NEVER overtake 360.

I don't think Sony care much about that, it's selling really well in Japan and others are pretty ok too but America I highly doubt so as Microsoft will keep on counterattack as long as they can with whatever resources available.

I'm happy Sony is making profit now with PS3 and I would rather see Sony maintain this growth rather than having the Playstation business collapse just to have more units sold by price cuts or risky ideas.

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algorith said:
unknown_soul89 said:
Monges79 said:

In America, no. The PS3 doesn't have a chance. I do agree with many people that Sony has done a 180 degree turn with this console, and I'm glad. And for third place, this console has sold great. Will it take over the 360 for lifetime sales? Probably not. There are no guarantees though. People are still buying the PS2, which to me is absurd, but the PS2 had the best lineup of games ever, so far. I guess we'll wait and see.

Year to Year PS3 sells more worldwide, so all ps3 has to do to beat 360 in sales is be on the market for the same amount of years, if it does that it will take over the 360 in lifetime sales, not to mention the ps3 is alot more future proof so I can see it being out for more years then 360 

 How is the PS3 more future proof? when we look back and we see the PS2 - the weakest hardware last gen- being the one console that lasted the longest. So if anything the Wii is the more future proof console.

 I think the next generation of systems will be upon us soon and this current race will be irrelevant. The PS3 and 360 will probably finish within less than 10 million units of each other, a triumph for MS and a defeat to Sony. 

blu-ray and the fact that ps3 exclusives are better (from a technical standpoint) then any other console games out there (a few pc ones beat it if you max out the settings) and thats with the software not even close to the optimization level of the wii or 360

your logic is extremely flawed, the reason the ps2 was so future proof was its library and the fact that Sony kept supporting it, the amount of games that came out that gen that it didn't have on were very few, xbox original and gamecube exclusives were few and meh and did next to nothing better then ps2 exclusives, thats not true of the wii, the wii has next to no multiplats and it's exclusives some are good yes but nothing compared to ps3s or even some of 360s (more so if you count pc/360 but I don't), and the 360 is having issues with size constraints for awhile since it only has dvd and it's hardware isn't very powerful compared to the cell, it has had the advantage of far more refined software but that advantage lessons over time 

bottom line, if MS and nintendo released a new console ps3 could compete head to head, and even have multiplat on the new console and the ps3, thats not really true of either of the others 

unknown_soul89 said:

bottom line, if MS and nintendo released a new console ps3 could compete head to head, and even have multiplat on the new console and the ps3, thats not really true of either of the others 

Very, VERY bold statement.

If MS introduced a new gen 360 with updated hardware and a new optical media, like say HVD, at a good price point PS3 would become very obsolete, very quickly

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

Tanstalas said:
unknown_soul89 said:

bottom line, if MS and nintendo released a new console ps3 could compete head to head, and even have multiplat on the new console and the ps3, thats not really true of either of the others 

Very, VERY bold statement.

If MS introduced a new gen 360 with updated hardware and a new optical media, like say HVD, at a good price point PS3 would become very obsolete, very quickly

The argument is stupid because MS said that Kinect would boost 360 's lifespan another 5 years.

Jay520 said:
Tanstalas said:
unknown_soul89 said:

bottom line, if MS and nintendo released a new console ps3 could compete head to head, and even have multiplat on the new console and the ps3, thats not really true of either of the others 

Very, VERY bold statement.

If MS introduced a new gen 360 with updated hardware and a new optical media, like say HVD, at a good price point PS3 would become very obsolete, very quickly

The argument is stupid because MS said that Kinect would boost 360 's lifespan another 5 years.

Is your statement directed to me, or to Unknown?  If directed to me, I think you took my reply to Unknown out of context.  I was replying to his statement that PS3 could go head to head with a next gen console.

And I also find that link laughable.  Until it comes from someone like Ballmer - I'll take it with a grain of salt.

If kinect flops, do you REALLY think they will keep the 360 around for another 5 years?  Heck, even if it doesn't flop I will be shocked if a new MS console isn't released in the next 2-3 years.

Also, maybe they just meant they would "support" it for another 5 years, doesn't mean they will not release a next gen console before 5 years :0

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

Around the Network
Tanstalas said:
Jay520 said:
Tanstalas said:
unknown_soul89 said:

bottom line, if MS and nintendo released a new console ps3 could compete head to head, and even have multiplat on the new console and the ps3, thats not really true of either of the others 

Very, VERY bold statement.

If MS introduced a new gen 360 with updated hardware and a new optical media, like say HVD, at a good price point PS3 would become very obsolete, very quickly

The argument is stupid because MS said that Kinect would boost 360 's lifespan another 5 years.

Is your statement directed to me, or to Unknown?  If directed to me, I think you took my reply to Unknown out of context.  I was replying to his statement that PS3 could go head to head with a next gen console.

And I also find that link laughable.  Until it comes from someone like Ballmer - I'll take it with a grain of salt.

If kinect flops, do you REALLY think they will keep the 360 around for another 5 years?  Heck, even if it doesn't flop I will be shocked if a new MS console isn't released in the next 2-3 years.

Also, maybe they just meant they would "support" it for another 5 years, doesn't mean they will not release a next gen console before 5 years :0

I was just throwing it out there so everyone could know, it was directed at anyone specific.

Hey, they said it, I'm not saying it's true or not. Just telling you what MS thinks.

He said that they were in the mid-cycle of the 360 and he also said that they won't get into the next gen for several more years. Of coarse he's being optimistic on Kinect. I personally don't think Kinect will be very successful, but the guys at MS probably know more than me.

So if Kinect is successful, then yes, I can see the 360 last another 3 - 5 years. which is enough time for Ps3 to catch up IMO. Even if Kinect flops, I still see the 360 lasting until Fall 2012 before the nextbox releases which again is enough time for the PS3 to catch up. 

No way..Agreed though, if  it was the US alone....But my my sig stands against it. For the WW there is no way, plus 360S Kinect wave will  be on par with the sales of PS3 and Move bundle(post price-cut), that's why I'm looking forward for the moment when sales in US surpass the 360 around same time, since the waiting for a real price-cut has been long there. Meanwhile 360 can still reap its benefit through the software sales throughout its life-cycle depending upon the itinerary of Halo or Gears or COD(that's all they got).  Additionally real games unlike: , ever release for the console...Well the extended advertising for somethin like this , can go well against it.

Tanstalas said:
unknown_soul89 said:

bottom line, if MS and nintendo released a new console ps3 could compete head to head, and even have multiplat on the new console and the ps3, thats not really true of either of the others 

Very, VERY bold statement.

If MS introduced a new gen 360 with updated hardware and a new optical media, like say HVD, at a good price point PS3 would become very obsolete, very quickly

How exactly, the ps3 processor isn't even at it's potential and blu ray isn't going to be obsolete any time soon, so how exactly would the ps3 become obsolete fast? It's not like the new console will get much third party support, what with the failrate of the 360, hell the ps2 competed decently against the 360 and wasn't nearly as future proof as the ps3 is, so again how exactly would the ps3 become obsolete fast? It'd be alot more like dvd and blu ray in the movie market 

Jay520 said:
Tanstalas said:
Jay520 said:
Tanstalas said:
unknown_soul89 said:

bottom line, if MS and nintendo released a new console ps3 could compete head to head, and even have multiplat on the new console and the ps3, thats not really true of either of the others 

Very, VERY bold statement.

If MS introduced a new gen 360 with updated hardware and a new optical media, like say HVD, at a good price point PS3 would become very obsolete, very quickly

The argument is stupid because MS said that Kinect would boost 360 's lifespan another 5 years.

Is your statement directed to me, or to Unknown?  If directed to me, I think you took my reply to Unknown out of context.  I was replying to his statement that PS3 could go head to head with a next gen console.

And I also find that link laughable.  Until it comes from someone like Ballmer - I'll take it with a grain of salt.

If kinect flops, do you REALLY think they will keep the 360 around for another 5 years?  Heck, even if it doesn't flop I will be shocked if a new MS console isn't released in the next 2-3 years.

Also, maybe they just meant they would "support" it for another 5 years, doesn't mean they will not release a next gen console before 5 years :0

I was just throwing it out there so everyone could know, it was directed at anyone specific.

Hey, they said it, I'm not saying it's true or not. Just telling you what MS thinks.

He said that they were in the mid-cycle of the 360 and he also said that they won't get into the next gen for several more years. Of coarse he's being optimistic on Kinect. I personally don't think Kinect will be very successful, but the guys at MS probably know more than me.

So if Kinect is successful, then yes, I can see the 360 last another 3 - 5 years. which is enough time for Ps3 to catch up IMO. Even if Kinect flops, I still see the 360 lasting until Fall 2012 before the nextbox releases which again is enough time for the PS3 to catch up. 

ps3 on average sells a bit over a million more a year then the 360 and the gap is about 3 and half million, so 3-4 years and the ps3 will over take the 360 in sales, or if the ps3 is on the market a few months after the 360 stops being sold it will over take the 360, frankly I don't see a way the 360 can win WW in the long term

Tanstalas said:
unknown_soul89 said:

bottom line, if MS and nintendo released a new console ps3 could compete head to head, and even have multiplat on the new console and the ps3, thats not really true of either of the others 

Very, VERY bold statement.

If MS introduced a new gen 360 with updated hardware and a new optical media, like say HVD, at a good price point PS3 would become very obsolete, very quickly

microsoft isn't a hardware company, they pay other to develop it for em(sony and nintendo does this), and have little involvement in it, sony already have have their nextgen blu ray that won't be used til next 10 years.

microsoft won't have a disc media ready, unless they bought it, even if they did, it won't be a standard ,therefore, producing it will be more expensive than bluray, no market support from movie and game studios, it won't really have a advance on blu ray on games either, since no game uses 50gb and eve if they did blu ray can go up 100gb-400gb.

such sizes can hold a 2096p movies.

ps2 was successful because of it wide library, but also there was support for it after the generation was over, actually many of the  first year outsold 360 and had games kh2, and ff12 that topped charts.

ps3 have similar library, only disadvantage it's that many are multiplatform, still sony got a huge first party library that they didn't have before, if they support their console they can keep alive longer since they have so many studios, they now keep PSP ps2 and ps3 still on support though ps2 its about to be discontinued