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Forums - Sales Discussion - Its time to admit it. PS3 will NEVER overtake 360.

unknown_soul89 said:
algorith said:
unknown_soul89 said:
Monges79 said:

In America, no. The PS3 doesn't have a chance. I do agree with many people that Sony has done a 180 degree turn with this console, and I'm glad. And for third place, this console has sold great. Will it take over the 360 for lifetime sales? Probably not. There are no guarantees though. People are still buying the PS2, which to me is absurd, but the PS2 had the best lineup of games ever, so far. I guess we'll wait and see.

Year to Year PS3 sells more worldwide, so all ps3 has to do to beat 360 in sales is be on the market for the same amount of years, if it does that it will take over the 360 in lifetime sales, not to mention the ps3 is alot more future proof so I can see it being out for more years then 360 

 How is the PS3 more future proof? when we look back and we see the PS2 - the weakest hardware last gen- being the one console that lasted the longest. So if anything the Wii is the more future proof console.

 I think the next generation of systems will be upon us soon and this current race will be irrelevant. The PS3 and 360 will probably finish within less than 10 million units of each other, a triumph for MS and a defeat to Sony. 

blu-ray and the fact that ps3 exclusives are better (from a technical standpoint) then any other console games out there (a few pc ones beat it if you max out the settings) and thats with the software not even close to the optimization level of the wii or 360

your logic is extremely flawed, the reason the ps2 was so future proof was its library and the fact that Sony kept supporting it, the amount of games that came out that gen that it didn't have on were very few, xbox original and gamecube exclusives were few and meh and did next to nothing better then ps2 exclusives, thats not true of the wii, the wii has next to no multiplats and it's exclusives some are good yes but nothing compared to ps3s or even some of 360s (more so if you count pc/360 but I don't), and the 360 is having issues with size constraints for awhile since it only has dvd and it's hardware isn't very powerful compared to the cell, it has had the advantage of far more refined software but that advantage lessons over time 

bottom line, if MS and nintendo released a new console ps3 could compete head to head, and even have multiplat on the new console and the ps3, thats not really true of either of the others 

 XBOX exclusives were technically better and yet the PS2 outlived it. There is no flaw in the logic. More powerful hardware does not equal longer support. That has been proven last generation. 

 Sony kept supporting the PS2 because it kept selling otherwise they wouldn't have supported it. The PS2 was actually kept alive more due to third-party and Wii cross-platform games than Sony itself. So the correct thing to say would be, whatever console keeps selling moderately high will be supported. 

 I don't think your opinion of PS2 vs GC and XBOX games adds anything to the debate especially since, quantity wise, the PS3, 360 and Wii are much closer in software count than PS2 was in comparison to other consoles last generation. 

 I don't agree with your last statement either, what makes you think that the PS3 could compete head-to-head (I'm assuming you mean technically, since you mention multi-platforms) with the next generation of consoles. I think you've bought into the PS3 power hype and think the PS3 some kind of super machine. When in reality the PS3 has been outdated for a long time and the systems next generation will probably be far better than the machine. But again, technical merits aside, the system that gets supported longer is the one that keeps selling (since more devs keep supporting it) as we've already seen last generation. 

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algorith said:
unknown_soul89 said:
algorith said:
unknown_soul89 said:
Monges79 said:

In America, no. The PS3 doesn't have a chance. I do agree with many people that Sony has done a 180 degree turn with this console, and I'm glad. And for third place, this console has sold great. Will it take over the 360 for lifetime sales? Probably not. There are no guarantees though. People are still buying the PS2, which to me is absurd, but the PS2 had the best lineup of games ever, so far. I guess we'll wait and see.

Year to Year PS3 sells more worldwide, so all ps3 has to do to beat 360 in sales is be on the market for the same amount of years, if it does that it will take over the 360 in lifetime sales, not to mention the ps3 is alot more future proof so I can see it being out for more years then 360 

 How is the PS3 more future proof? when we look back and we see the PS2 - the weakest hardware last gen- being the one console that lasted the longest. So if anything the Wii is the more future proof console.

 I think the next generation of systems will be upon us soon and this current race will be irrelevant. The PS3 and 360 will probably finish within less than 10 million units of each other, a triumph for MS and a defeat to Sony. 

blu-ray and the fact that ps3 exclusives are better (from a technical standpoint) then any other console games out there (a few pc ones beat it if you max out the settings) and thats with the software not even close to the optimization level of the wii or 360

your logic is extremely flawed, the reason the ps2 was so future proof was its library and the fact that Sony kept supporting it, the amount of games that came out that gen that it didn't have on were very few, xbox original and gamecube exclusives were few and meh and did next to nothing better then ps2 exclusives, thats not true of the wii, the wii has next to no multiplats and it's exclusives some are good yes but nothing compared to ps3s or even some of 360s (more so if you count pc/360 but I don't), and the 360 is having issues with size constraints for awhile since it only has dvd and it's hardware isn't very powerful compared to the cell, it has had the advantage of far more refined software but that advantage lessons over time 

bottom line, if MS and nintendo released a new console ps3 could compete head to head, and even have multiplat on the new console and the ps3, thats not really true of either of the others 

 XBOX exclusives were technically better and yet the PS2 outlived it. There is no flaw in the logic. More powerful hardware does not equal longer support. That has been proven last generation. 

 Sony kept supporting the PS2 because it kept selling otherwise they wouldn't have supported it. The PS2 was actually kept alive more due to third-party and Wii cross-platform games than Sony itself. So the correct thing to say would be, whatever console keeps selling moderately high will be supported. 

 I don't think your opinion of PS2 vs GC and XBOX games adds anything to the debate especially since, quantity wise, the PS3, 360 and Wii are much closer in software count than PS2 was in comparison to other consoles last generation. 

 I don't agree with your last statement either, what makes you think that the PS3 could compete head-to-head (I'm assuming you mean technically, since you mention multi-platforms) with the next generation of consoles. I think you've bought into the PS3 power hype and think the PS3 some kind of super machine. When in reality the PS3 has been outdated for a long time and the systems next generation will probably be far better than the machine. But again, technical merits aside, the system that gets supported longer is the one that keeps selling (since more devs keep supporting it) as we've already seen last generation. 

You misunderstand alot of what I mean, when I say the ps3 could compete head to head with a new gen console I mean in direct competition at launch, the ps3 would eventually need to be replaced with a next gen console but not for atleast a year or two and in terms of games most 3rd party games would be on both consoles (like ps2/360 multiplats) so no the ps3 wouldn't become obsolete fast, it'd become obsolete eventually after years of direct competition as far as the exclusives being technically better that was only to point out that even if MS came out with a new console ps3 would be capable of playing alot of the games that came out for it at launch especially and would have anything by a 3rd party on it, sure the new console would (probably) have technically superior games compared to ps3s but the gab wouldn't be wide enough to make the ps3 obsolete anytime soon and the ps3 would be fine in direct competition 

 It'd become as obsolete as the PS2 was after the 360 had been released. Sure it was still selling but at a declining rate. I doubt Sony would want to allow their competitors to gain market share with the next generation of systems for supporting the PS3 especially after what happened this generation. I'm fairly confident we'll see the PS4 in the next 3 years. By which time and I reiterate, the gap will probably be within 10 million between the PS3 and 360, most people won't care for the numbers and when looking back it'll look like a triumph for MS and a defeat for Sony. 

algorith said:

 It'd become as obsolete as the PS2 was after the 360 had been released. 

Obsolete? It sold pretty good for an obsolete console considering it outsold the 360 for about 2 -3 after the 360 released. In fact it outsold 360 & PS3 (not combined) by 3 million in 2007.

algorith said:

 It'd become as obsolete as the PS2 was after the 360 had been released. Sure it was still selling but at a declining rate. I doubt Sony would want to allow their competitors to gain market share with the next generation of systems for supporting the PS3 especially after what happened this generation. I'm fairly confident we'll see the PS4 in the next 3 years. By which time and I reiterate, the gap will probably be within 10 million between the PS3 and 360, most people won't care for the numbers and when looking back it'll look like a triumph for MS and a defeat for Sony. 

Not even close, the ps2 was the weakest hardware last gen, ps3 is the strongest, the ps2 reached it's potential (more or less) by the time the 360 was released the ps3 hasn't, and the ps2 wasn't even that obsolete when the 360 came out considering there are a ton of ps2/360 games and ps2 still sold more software so yeah

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unknown_soul89 said:
algorith said:

 It'd become as obsolete as the PS2 was after the 360 had been released. Sure it was still selling but at a declining rate. I doubt Sony would want to allow their competitors to gain market share with the next generation of systems for supporting the PS3 especially after what happened this generation. I'm fairly confident we'll see the PS4 in the next 3 years. By which time and I reiterate, the gap will probably be within 10 million between the PS3 and 360, most people won't care for the numbers and when looking back it'll look like a triumph for MS and a defeat for Sony. 

Not even close, the ps2 was the weakest hardware last gen, ps3 is the strongest, the ps2 reached it's potential (more or less) by the time the 360 was released the ps3 hasn't, and the ps2 wasn't even that obsolete when the 360 came out considering there are a ton of ps2/360 games and ps2 still sold more software so yeah

PS2 was the dominating market leader, PS3 is the struggling 3rd placer.  I don't think they're really comparable.

unknown_soul89 said:
algorith said:

 It'd become as obsolete as the PS2 was after the 360 had been released. Sure it was still selling but at a declining rate. I doubt Sony would want to allow their competitors to gain market share with the next generation of systems for supporting the PS3 especially after what happened this generation. I'm fairly confident we'll see the PS4 in the next 3 years. By which time and I reiterate, the gap will probably be within 10 million between the PS3 and 360, most people won't care for the numbers and when looking back it'll look like a triumph for MS and a defeat for Sony. 

Not even close, the ps2 was the weakest hardware last gen, ps3 is the strongest, the ps2 reached it's potential (more or less) by the time the 360 was released the ps3 hasn't, and the ps2 wasn't even that obsolete when the 360 came out considering there are a ton of ps2/360 games and ps2 still sold more software so yeah

 You still think graphics mean something in the life of the console but at the same time acknowledge the PS2 outlived the other more powerful consoles last generation, which doesn't indicate PS3 will have the longer lifespan this time around. The PS2 despite being a weak piece of hardware compared to XBOX kept selling after new generation of consoles because it had a huge market share that developers wanted to sell to. PS3 does not have the same market share as the PS2, and probably never will. I doubt Sony will stand by and let competitors release their new generations of systems while they keep supporting the PS3. I suppose we'll see soon enough if Sony will do that or not though. 

After latest shipped figure is time to admit that PS3 will overtake 360 soon.

i agree.

eventually when this gen is over the ps3 will by be above xbxo by 1, 233,899 consoles in my rough estimated opinion

Dude... who cares?


I'll probably pick up a 360 slim before it's all said and done, but right now, I feel like PS3 is the better console with better exclusive games. Everyone plays on XBLA, so that's the only real drawing power for me. When it drops to $249-$199, I'll bite.