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Tanstalas said:
unknown_soul89 said:

bottom line, if MS and nintendo released a new console ps3 could compete head to head, and even have multiplat on the new console and the ps3, thats not really true of either of the others 

Very, VERY bold statement.

If MS introduced a new gen 360 with updated hardware and a new optical media, like say HVD, at a good price point PS3 would become very obsolete, very quickly

How exactly, the ps3 processor isn't even at it's potential and blu ray isn't going to be obsolete any time soon, so how exactly would the ps3 become obsolete fast? It's not like the new console will get much third party support, what with the failrate of the 360, hell the ps2 competed decently against the 360 and wasn't nearly as future proof as the ps3 is, so again how exactly would the ps3 become obsolete fast? It'd be alot more like dvd and blu ray in the movie market