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Tanstalas said:
unknown_soul89 said:

bottom line, if MS and nintendo released a new console ps3 could compete head to head, and even have multiplat on the new console and the ps3, thats not really true of either of the others 

Very, VERY bold statement.

If MS introduced a new gen 360 with updated hardware and a new optical media, like say HVD, at a good price point PS3 would become very obsolete, very quickly

microsoft isn't a hardware company, they pay other to develop it for em(sony and nintendo does this), and have little involvement in it, sony already have have their nextgen blu ray that won't be used til next 10 years.

microsoft won't have a disc media ready, unless they bought it, even if they did, it won't be a standard ,therefore, producing it will be more expensive than bluray, no market support from movie and game studios, it won't really have a advance on blu ray on games either, since no game uses 50gb and eve if they did blu ray can go up 100gb-400gb.

such sizes can hold a 2096p movies.

ps2 was successful because of it wide library, but also there was support for it after the generation was over, actually many of the  first year outsold 360 and had games kh2, and ff12 that topped charts.

ps3 have similar library, only disadvantage it's that many are multiplatform, still sony got a huge first party library that they didn't have before, if they support their console they can keep alive longer since they have so many studios, they now keep PSP ps2 and ps3 still on support though ps2 its about to be discontinued