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Forums - Sales Discussion - Its time to admit it. PS3 will NEVER overtake 360.

Acevil said:
Squilliam said:

  • June: Introduce Xbox revision, cut price in the U.S.
  • July: Make the revision worldwide and continue to ramp production up with a price cut E.U and others.
  • August: Announce core Kinect games and the price at $79-99 as well as introduce/announce new Live features.
  • September: Introduce the Arcade revision at $149, cut the 250GB to $249
  • October: Announce the Kinect bundle price, my guess is $199 and $299
  • November: Kinect bundle release along with Kinect.
  • December: Profit!

So the price cuts and revision should keep the Xbox 360 sales high.

I think you are only missing one thing. Advertise like no tomorrow!

Also I can't believe I didn't comment once in this thread!

OMG, like how could I forget that one!?!?

Yeah, if they drop half a billion dollars on advertising developer incentives it'll come in a bit under my overall expectations! From what I hear the money going out of Microsofts pockets in direct promotion, promotion support and develop incentives is HUUUUUUGE! They are actually treating it like a console relaunch, hence the reason why im expecting so much aggression on their price cuts.


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PS3 will always sell better in countries outside the US.  If it overtakes the 360 it will be because of sales in other countries.

One thing of interesting note here. If I were to guess, I would assume that the USA is one of the top countries in videogame development, and videogame purchases. Our most widely known export is entertainment, be it music, movies, or videogames.

So, the US has always been vastly influential in all fo these areas, moreso than most other countries, imho. Be it, rap/country/pop music, summer blockbusters, mmos, WRPGs, action games, shooters, ect. The US is in competition with the big boys if not on top, in every areas of entertainment, and almost certainly gets the most attention from number trackers, for instance NPD.

I'd be surprised if the US didn't buy more software than most/all other countries as well, for videogames, music, movies, ect.

My point is this. The US is a cash cow. Developers know it. They even attept to westernize games that were longtime favorites in the waning Japanese market, like Final Fantasy. US tastes have huge influence on the worldwide videogame market. Thus, success in the US, means more to some publishers, than success in other countries which couldn't sell or popularize games as easily, I would deduce. I would also deduce that success in the US is far more important to a console, game, or franchise, than success in any or most other singular countries is, and if you can make your game catch on in the US, then it could help increase overall popularity worldwide.

My point being, that even if Sony did "pass" microsoft, the Xbox brand is still in an excellent position, having stolen from Sony a lot of core gaming support in the US, poentially, for generations to come. Is this an incorrect assumption? Of all the countries to be in the lead of, is there a more influential or profitable one than the USA? Homefield advantage is definitely helping MS here.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Seece said:
Jo21 said:
Seece said:
Jo21 said:

original xbox lost even more money. :p

we are in economy crisis, sony didn't have alost in 14 years and when they did was because they bought columbia

Actually you're wrong, original xbox lost $4.2 billion using these figures. PS3 has lost Sony $5 billion, and thats with the PS2 and PSP profiting, it's more than likely PS3 has lost around 6/7 $billion.

i read xbox total looses are up to total  7bm considering extended warranty was 1.2b with the 360

@squilliam because the original ps3 already had all those features. it simply more bang for the money.

add blu ray player, and ability to use any 2.5HDD, sony recently added a a way tranfer files without having to buy or get a tranfer cable. :D

Total losses on the first Xbox were - $4 billion, the had one profitable Q to my knowlegde, but no profitable fiscal years.

Total losses for the 360 reached $3 billion, this includes the $1 billion RROD payout as can be seen in fiscal year 07/08.

Total Profit for the 360 now stands at $1.4 billion, that leaves $1.6 billion left for Microsoft to make a profit on the Xbox 360.

IF Microsoft continue actively trying to profit as they have been doing over the last 3 years, the 360 will be a profitable venture for Microsoft by the end of Fiscal year 2011, then they'll start eating into the losses from the original Xbox.

Please remember to include losses for:

  • Zune (HD)
  • Surface
  • Windows Mobile
  • Kin

I think the Xbox 360 will be profitable earlier than you might expect. Especially with the new hardware, the shitloads of blockbuster games, 25 million XBL users and Kinect in November.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

DirtyP2002 said:
Seece said:
Jo21 said:
Seece said:
Jo21 said:

original xbox lost even more money. :p

we are in economy crisis, sony didn't have alost in 14 years and when they did was because they bought columbia

Actually you're wrong, original xbox lost $4.2 billion using these figures. PS3 has lost Sony $5 billion, and thats with the PS2 and PSP profiting, it's more than likely PS3 has lost around 6/7 $billion.

i read xbox total looses are up to total  7bm considering extended warranty was 1.2b with the 360

@squilliam because the original ps3 already had all those features. it simply more bang for the money.

add blu ray player, and ability to use any 2.5HDD, sony recently added a a way tranfer files without having to buy or get a tranfer cable. :D

Total losses on the first Xbox were - $4 billion, the had one profitable Q to my knowlegde, but no profitable fiscal years.

Total losses for the 360 reached $3 billion, this includes the $1 billion RROD payout as can be seen in fiscal year 07/08.

Total Profit for the 360 now stands at $1.4 billion, that leaves $1.6 billion left for Microsoft to make a profit on the Xbox 360.

IF Microsoft continue actively trying to profit as they have been doing over the last 3 years, the 360 will be a profitable venture for Microsoft by the end of Fiscal year 2011, then they'll start eating into the losses from the original Xbox.

Please remember to include losses for:

  • Zune (HD)
  • Surface
  • Windows Mobile
  • Kin

I think the Xbox 360 will be profitable earlier than you might expect. Especially with the new hardware, the shitloads of blockbuster games, 25 million XBL users and Kinect in November.

And it includes profits from Office for Mac (retail boxes at least) which are probably quite big. Remember that Office is almost as important product for MS as Windows. And many Mac users use Office. And keyboard and mice production might be profitable too. The truth is that we really can't know exactly how big profits/losses XBox has because division is too big.

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Untamoi said:
DirtyP2002 said:
Seece said:
Jo21 said:
Seece said:
Jo21 said:

original xbox lost even more money. :p

we are in economy crisis, sony didn't have alost in 14 years and when they did was because they bought columbia

Actually you're wrong, original xbox lost $4.2 billion using these figures. PS3 has lost Sony $5 billion, and thats with the PS2 and PSP profiting, it's more than likely PS3 has lost around 6/7 $billion.

i read xbox total looses are up to total  7bm considering extended warranty was 1.2b with the 360

@squilliam because the original ps3 already had all those features. it simply more bang for the money.

add blu ray player, and ability to use any 2.5HDD, sony recently added a a way tranfer files without having to buy or get a tranfer cable. :D

Total losses on the first Xbox were - $4 billion, the had one profitable Q to my knowlegde, but no profitable fiscal years.

Total losses for the 360 reached $3 billion, this includes the $1 billion RROD payout as can be seen in fiscal year 07/08.

Total Profit for the 360 now stands at $1.4 billion, that leaves $1.6 billion left for Microsoft to make a profit on the Xbox 360.

IF Microsoft continue actively trying to profit as they have been doing over the last 3 years, the 360 will be a profitable venture for Microsoft by the end of Fiscal year 2011, then they'll start eating into the losses from the original Xbox.

Please remember to include losses for:

  • Zune (HD)
  • Surface
  • Windows Mobile
  • Kin

I think the Xbox 360 will be profitable earlier than you might expect. Especially with the new hardware, the shitloads of blockbuster games, 25 million XBL users and Kinect in November.

And it includes profits from Office for Mac (retail boxes at least) which are probably quite big. Remember that Office is almost as important product for MS as Windows. And many Mac users use Office. And keyboard and mice production might be profitable too. The truth is that we really can't know exactly how big profits/losses XBox has because division is too big.

I thought they just do the distribution for the Mac Office-stuff. And their keyboard and mice production is VERY small and not so profitable. I read they are running at a loss, too. I think 90% of the computers sold are portable these days. That makes mice / keyboard even smaller. Sure, you can plug in a mouse as well, but most of the people are just fine with the devices like they are.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

Denial is not just a river in Egypt

Wow I can't believe post such as those exist.

What do you think? That MS has Overf***d Sony??
That sony will never ever release a console again?????
Do you know what are the sales differences???

It's, F****NG, Only, 5 Millions.

As stupid as this may sound to you fanboy, it means a Sh1tload in the business world.

Open your eyes. Why did MS price drop their products, release a new console, release kinect ect ect?

Because they are not winning. Nor are they losing.
It's so close, that they are working EXTREMLY hard to take over the market.

You may think that im being stupid saying 5 Millions is nothing but take a look at this.

Wiki-The PS2 is the best-selling console to date, having reached over 140 million units sold as of September 30, 2009.[

Wiki-The Xbox has sold 24 million units worldwide as of May 10, 2006, according to Microsoft.


You realize how much this whole "XBOX 360 >>>>>> PS3 DUUUUUDE" is so much BS?????

Playstation 2 oversoled Xbox by, Effing, 125 MILLIONS.
That sir, is an actual win. And a huge one if you want my opinion.

5 millions is like mere peanuts compared to how much MS waste money in order to get week long DLC's, buy some exclusives (FF13,MGS,Exclusives DLC's for GTA4)
If you wonder why I said that they bought exclusives DLC for GTA, its because Rockstar is FAR more Sony friendly, since GTA san andreas, and GTA games in general sold like pancakes on ps2. So obvious biasm is obvious.

As long as Sony keeps this 5 million difference, then they don't f***ing care weather they ever outsell the xbox 360 or not. Its meaningless.

This whole bs thread was started by an obvious fanboy, that obviously never had market study classes, because he would realise how much xbox is NOT winning over ps3.

And also, if you check some of the charts that were posted here, you would realise that xbox360 has nearly 3million headstart thanks to the fact that it was released 1 year prior to ps3, and yet, it only manage to gain another 2million? Ridiculous.

Ok so here's a question, when Sony released its slim and a price cut, sales steadily rose and the ps3 since then has continued to sell well, and yet you guys do not seem to think the 360 can see itself in a similar situation--why is that?  There are too many haters with too many biased opinions on these boards.  Although the PS3 has been outselling the 360 in Japan and Europe, the 360 has continually outsold the PS3 in NA.  Sony has been closing the gap on the 360 which at one point stood at 7M but it took a string of the PS3's best sales just to bring it down to 2M.  Both machines are coming to the end of their life cycle, there are not going to be huge sales spikes like you see during the beginning years of a console life cycle.  The 360 would have to stop selling in order for Sony to overtake it before this generation officially ends.  If you are going to come up with predictions, at least back them with some objectivity and some facts, as opposed to the typical fanboy ranting.

DirtyP2002 said:

..And their keyboard and mice production is VERY small and not so profitable. I read they are running at a loss, too. ..

Dude, time for reality check. The PC peripheral market is about 40% Logitech, 20% MS, 40% Asians. Check Logitech's annual reports to see if they ever lost money. Then add the fact that the XBox peripheral market is entirely MS (and grossly profitable), and the fact that Logitech has much higher personnel costs, and you'll see that MS's profits is roughly similar to Logitech in the peripheral market. Peripherals, Software and particularly XBox Live is what keeps that MS division alive and offset the losses in hardware costs.