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Untamoi said:
DirtyP2002 said:
Seece said:
Jo21 said:
Seece said:
Jo21 said:

original xbox lost even more money. :p

we are in economy crisis, sony didn't have alost in 14 years and when they did was because they bought columbia

Actually you're wrong, original xbox lost $4.2 billion using these figures. PS3 has lost Sony $5 billion, and thats with the PS2 and PSP profiting, it's more than likely PS3 has lost around 6/7 $billion.

i read xbox total looses are up to total  7bm considering extended warranty was 1.2b with the 360

@squilliam because the original ps3 already had all those features. it simply more bang for the money.

add blu ray player, and ability to use any 2.5HDD, sony recently added a a way tranfer files without having to buy or get a tranfer cable. :D

Total losses on the first Xbox were - $4 billion, the had one profitable Q to my knowlegde, but no profitable fiscal years.

Total losses for the 360 reached $3 billion, this includes the $1 billion RROD payout as can be seen in fiscal year 07/08.

Total Profit for the 360 now stands at $1.4 billion, that leaves $1.6 billion left for Microsoft to make a profit on the Xbox 360.

IF Microsoft continue actively trying to profit as they have been doing over the last 3 years, the 360 will be a profitable venture for Microsoft by the end of Fiscal year 2011, then they'll start eating into the losses from the original Xbox.

Please remember to include losses for:

  • Zune (HD)
  • Surface
  • Windows Mobile
  • Kin

I think the Xbox 360 will be profitable earlier than you might expect. Especially with the new hardware, the shitloads of blockbuster games, 25 million XBL users and Kinect in November.

And it includes profits from Office for Mac (retail boxes at least) which are probably quite big. Remember that Office is almost as important product for MS as Windows. And many Mac users use Office. And keyboard and mice production might be profitable too. The truth is that we really can't know exactly how big profits/losses XBox has because division is too big.

I thought they just do the distribution for the Mac Office-stuff. And their keyboard and mice production is VERY small and not so profitable. I read they are running at a loss, too. I think 90% of the computers sold are portable these days. That makes mice / keyboard even smaller. Sure, you can plug in a mouse as well, but most of the people are just fine with the devices like they are.

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