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Wow I can't believe post such as those exist.

What do you think? That MS has Overf***d Sony??
That sony will never ever release a console again?????
Do you know what are the sales differences???

It's, F****NG, Only, 5 Millions.

As stupid as this may sound to you fanboy, it means a Sh1tload in the business world.

Open your eyes. Why did MS price drop their products, release a new console, release kinect ect ect?

Because they are not winning. Nor are they losing.
It's so close, that they are working EXTREMLY hard to take over the market.

You may think that im being stupid saying 5 Millions is nothing but take a look at this.

Wiki-The PS2 is the best-selling console to date, having reached over 140 million units sold as of September 30, 2009.[

Wiki-The Xbox has sold 24 million units worldwide as of May 10, 2006, according to Microsoft.


You realize how much this whole "XBOX 360 >>>>>> PS3 DUUUUUDE" is so much BS?????

Playstation 2 oversoled Xbox by, Effing, 125 MILLIONS.
That sir, is an actual win. And a huge one if you want my opinion.

5 millions is like mere peanuts compared to how much MS waste money in order to get week long DLC's, buy some exclusives (FF13,MGS,Exclusives DLC's for GTA4)
If you wonder why I said that they bought exclusives DLC for GTA, its because Rockstar is FAR more Sony friendly, since GTA san andreas, and GTA games in general sold like pancakes on ps2. So obvious biasm is obvious.

As long as Sony keeps this 5 million difference, then they don't f***ing care weather they ever outsell the xbox 360 or not. Its meaningless.

This whole bs thread was started by an obvious fanboy, that obviously never had market study classes, because he would realise how much xbox is NOT winning over ps3.

And also, if you check some of the charts that were posted here, you would realise that xbox360 has nearly 3million headstart thanks to the fact that it was released 1 year prior to ps3, and yet, it only manage to gain another 2million? Ridiculous.