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Ok so here's a question, when Sony released its slim and a price cut, sales steadily rose and the ps3 since then has continued to sell well, and yet you guys do not seem to think the 360 can see itself in a similar situation--why is that?  There are too many haters with too many biased opinions on these boards.  Although the PS3 has been outselling the 360 in Japan and Europe, the 360 has continually outsold the PS3 in NA.  Sony has been closing the gap on the 360 which at one point stood at 7M but it took a string of the PS3's best sales just to bring it down to 2M.  Both machines are coming to the end of their life cycle, there are not going to be huge sales spikes like you see during the beginning years of a console life cycle.  The 360 would have to stop selling in order for Sony to overtake it before this generation officially ends.  If you are going to come up with predictions, at least back them with some objectivity and some facts, as opposed to the typical fanboy ranting.