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One thing of interesting note here. If I were to guess, I would assume that the USA is one of the top countries in videogame development, and videogame purchases. Our most widely known export is entertainment, be it music, movies, or videogames.

So, the US has always been vastly influential in all fo these areas, moreso than most other countries, imho. Be it, rap/country/pop music, summer blockbusters, mmos, WRPGs, action games, shooters, ect. The US is in competition with the big boys if not on top, in every areas of entertainment, and almost certainly gets the most attention from number trackers, for instance NPD.

I'd be surprised if the US didn't buy more software than most/all other countries as well, for videogames, music, movies, ect.

My point is this. The US is a cash cow. Developers know it. They even attept to westernize games that were longtime favorites in the waning Japanese market, like Final Fantasy. US tastes have huge influence on the worldwide videogame market. Thus, success in the US, means more to some publishers, than success in other countries which couldn't sell or popularize games as easily, I would deduce. I would also deduce that success in the US is far more important to a console, game, or franchise, than success in any or most other singular countries is, and if you can make your game catch on in the US, then it could help increase overall popularity worldwide.

My point being, that even if Sony did "pass" microsoft, the Xbox brand is still in an excellent position, having stolen from Sony a lot of core gaming support in the US, poentially, for generations to come. Is this an incorrect assumption? Of all the countries to be in the lead of, is there a more influential or profitable one than the USA? Homefield advantage is definitely helping MS here.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.