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Forums - General Discussion - Why is'nt soccer more popular in America.

Kasz216 said:
pastro243 said:
Kasz216 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

...and I wonder, if American football was an olympic sport, how well the foriegn teams would do against us, lol?

I'm pretty sure we're competitive in most sports, including soccer, basketball, baseball, hockey, and all of the other sports worldwide. I'm not sure if the entire rest of the world combined could form one team that could beat the Colts of the Saints.

That's not a dig on soccer, or any other sport, but we do have American football, and I'd love to see someone say they could do THAT better.

Eh, they may catch up if it ever catches on.  I mean look at Baseball.  Those South American teams are killers now a days.

American Football is way too complicated to be an international Sport though.

I mean the kind of playbooks you'd need to memorize?  Forget about it.

People call Soccer more technical then American Football... but most people would be quite shocked how complicated Football really is when it comes to management and styles and such.

It's probably the most complicated sport in the world when it comes to strategy.


The last major Soccer innovation was what?  Total Football?  Where the players can play more then one positon?

Every play in Football is like a chess move.  Well a very VIOLENT chess move anyway.  The adjustments you can make are staggering.

Well, its easy to make a strategy when you stop so much. A friend called it the F1 but with traffic lights.

And I have a theory that Football/soccer is the most competitive sport since so much people play it and you need dedication to be good, there was a study I saw saying the difference between players that get pro and the ones that cant achieve it is that the ones that do play more than 9 hours a week since they are little kids.

Also, there are many tricks you can use/invent in football, just watch brazilian and other south american players, its a sport that gives you a lot of freedom.

I'm pretty sure that's the same with Basketball and Baseball as well.

Not American Football, but that's because it'd be child abuse to let them do that.

There is a lot of chances to use/invent yeah... but it's not as tactical or strategic.  It actually relies more on... well like you said.  Thinking on your feat.

That's more instinct then it is strategy.

Well yes, I admit it doesnt have more strategy, but my point was those things add to the fun.

About what you were saying on clubs and money and stuff. You are right, but first you would have to make it a big sport in the US, and theyve been trying to do it for a long time, I think inmigration might help too(there is a reason why mexico and other CONCACAF teams play there).

Around the Network
Albion said:
oldschoolfool said:     ------link.   This is an interesting article on why soccer is'nt more popular in America. What do you think about this?



I dont know why its not popular in general.But.

One thing I know is they look like dumb pussy's When they are trying bait the ref to call penelties.

I can't watch it just on that fact alone. Its at that moment that i lose intrest and never want to watch

a bunch of pussy's baiting ref's like no real men with any respect for themself would ever do.


I think acting like this is viewed mostly as a loser's attitude. Winners walk it off.

You know the saying "Take it like a man"  Soccer players never hurd of this saying.

You know, its easy to say it, but running as fast as you can while controlling a ball and getting hit in the  ankles by a guy thats running at the same speed isnt something you would like. Besides, allowing violence would make it a dumb sport, skillfull players would suffer a lot like they did when more hitting was allowed.

Kasz216 said:
hobbit said:
Kasz216 said:
makingmusic476 said:

I blame football.  Most people here favor football out of all the sports.  This leads to a smaller viewer base for other sports like Soccer, plus it means most good athletes end up playing football (or even basketball and baseball), thus making soccer less exciting than it is in other regions.

Nobody here goes to watch the New Orleans Storm, for example, because the team really isn't very good, especially compared to teams from other countries.  They probably play on the level of university teams from places like England.

There is no real reason that we can't have a top level Soccer team if the money was there.

I mean, while having physical freaks is good, it's usually the smaller guys who play well in Soccer.

I think it's just more a matter of the prestige being there and the economic benefits not being prevelevent until higschool and by then you've lost a lot of important time developing.  The MLS salaries aren't remotley similar to other salaries.

It'd be interesting if the US ever did become interested in Soccer though... and it's something the rest of Europe probably shouldn't want.

Truth is, if Americans got behind it, they'd probably outbuy  the Premier league on players or atleast a number of them shifting the best talent overseas and causing it to be played in the middle of the night.... and dragging down the champions league with it too since there isn't any American Champions league representation nor should their considering geography.

Central and South America may enjoy that though.

Actually there is a concacaf champions league.

No kidding?

I only watcht he Premier League myself.  I mean, it's the best league... and I don't have any hometown affiliation to any MLS team anyway.

You should watch other leagues like spanish or argentinian, english playing, like we saw today in england vs the US(similar type of gameplay) has lots of vertigo but in my opinnion lacks in ball control.

And you are missing great players that prefer to go to spain or italy.

I think this is the main reason why england couldnt beat the USA today, they didnt show a style that wouldve worked better(put a player like messi or any small and fast one and they wouldve created many fouls/chances).

johnsobas said:
Kasz216 said:
Albion said:
Kasz216 said:
Albion said:
oldschoolfool said:     ------link.   This is an interesting article on why soccer is'nt more popular in America. What do you think about this?



I dont know why its not popular in general.But.

One thing I know is they look like dumb pussy's When they are trying bait the ref to call penelties.

I can't watch it just on that fact alone. Its at that moment that i lose intrest and never want to watch

a bunch of pussy's baiting ref's like no real men with any respect for themself would ever do.


I think acting like this is viewed mostly as a loser's attitude. Winners walk it off.

You know the saying "Take it like a man"  Soccer players never hurd of this saying.

I hope you don't watch basketball.

I watch Hockey my friend. basiketballs are for freeks of nature

Cause ripping your own teeth out of your head is totally for normal people.  :)

yea hockey is a tough sport but basketball almost requires being a genetic freak.  Only the few extremely talented undersized players can compete in the NBA, otherwise you have to be in the less than 1% of the population freakishly tall crowd.

Incredible! Who could have known there would be flames involving Basketball, Hockey and freaks in a soccer VS football discussion in a video gaming forum! That's just... freaking unimaginable, hahahahahahahaha!!!

C'mon, guys! Soccer is really awesome, it's something that moves with your mind; Basketball is an incredible show of art and Hockey is extreme techinique! I just don't understand american football (from now on, I'm going to refer to it as I usually do)...

I think you should stop discussing, go watch the best team of the world and learn:

Best goals from the best player in the world!
Best goals from the best team in the world!
Unfortunately, this is the most beautiful goal ever...
This is what we call "bomb"
Hail Corinthians, Champion of Champions!

Maneco's Hall of Lame
As of October 2010 and, hopefully, until the end of times





Notable Mentions (a.k.a. "Games I Played and Hated")

The Legend of Zelda:
Ocarina of Time

Pokémon Channel

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
pastro243 said:
Albion said:
oldschoolfool said:     ------link.   This is an interesting article on why soccer is'nt more popular in America. What do you think about this?



I dont know why its not popular in general.But.

One thing I know is they look like dumb pussy's When they are trying bait the ref to call penelties.

I can't watch it just on that fact alone. Its at that moment that i lose intrest and never want to watch

a bunch of pussy's baiting ref's like no real men with any respect for themself would ever do.


I think acting like this is viewed mostly as a loser's attitude. Winners walk it off.

You know the saying "Take it like a man"  Soccer players never hurd of this saying.

You know, its easy to say it, but running as fast as you can while controlling a ball and getting hit in the  ankles by a guy thats running at the same speed isnt something you would like. Besides, allowing violence would make it a dumb sport, skillfull players would suffer a lot like they did when more hitting was allowed.

Im not saying they dont get hurt really bad sometimes.  Its just we have WWF here in America. If i wanted to watch fake shit id watch that.


5% of the time they actually are hurt. 95% of the other time they are trying to bait ref's. I think people see that and its annoying. So its working against itself. They just oversell it its rediculouse.


Thats my opinion.


As far as hockey well it is sadistic most the time. But so am I

Around the Network
pastro243 said:
Kasz216 said:
hobbit said:
Kasz216 said:
makingmusic476 said:

I blame football.  Most people here favor football out of all the sports.  This leads to a smaller viewer base for other sports like Soccer, plus it means most good athletes end up playing football (or even basketball and baseball), thus making soccer less exciting than it is in other regions.

Nobody here goes to watch the New Orleans Storm, for example, because the team really isn't very good, especially compared to teams from other countries.  They probably play on the level of university teams from places like England.

There is no real reason that we can't have a top level Soccer team if the money was there.

I mean, while having physical freaks is good, it's usually the smaller guys who play well in Soccer.

I think it's just more a matter of the prestige being there and the economic benefits not being prevelevent until higschool and by then you've lost a lot of important time developing.  The MLS salaries aren't remotley similar to other salaries.

It'd be interesting if the US ever did become interested in Soccer though... and it's something the rest of Europe probably shouldn't want.

Truth is, if Americans got behind it, they'd probably outbuy  the Premier league on players or atleast a number of them shifting the best talent overseas and causing it to be played in the middle of the night.... and dragging down the champions league with it too since there isn't any American Champions league representation nor should their considering geography.

Central and South America may enjoy that though.

Actually there is a concacaf champions league.

No kidding?

I only watcht he Premier League myself.  I mean, it's the best league... and I don't have any hometown affiliation to any MLS team anyway.

You should watch other leagues like spanish or argentinian, english playing, like we saw today in england vs the US(similar type of gameplay) has lots of vertigo but in my opinnion lacks in ball control.

And you are missing great players that prefer to go to spain or italy.

I think this is the main reason why england couldnt beat the USA today, they didnt show a style that wouldve worked better(put a player like messi or any small and fast one and they wouldve created many fouls/chances).

They don't play those games on American TV. (to my knowledge)  I try to avoid pirating TV broadcasts.

Maneco said:
johnsobas said:
Kasz216 said:
Albion said:
Kasz216 said:
Albion said:
oldschoolfool said:     ------link.   This is an interesting article on why soccer is'nt more popular in America. What do you think about this?



I dont know why its not popular in general.But.

One thing I know is they look like dumb pussy's When they are trying bait the ref to call penelties.

I can't watch it just on that fact alone. Its at that moment that i lose intrest and never want to watch

a bunch of pussy's baiting ref's like no real men with any respect for themself would ever do.


I think acting like this is viewed mostly as a loser's attitude. Winners walk it off.

You know the saying "Take it like a man"  Soccer players never hurd of this saying.

I hope you don't watch basketball.

I watch Hockey my friend. basiketballs are for freeks of nature

Cause ripping your own teeth out of your head is totally for normal people.  :)

yea hockey is a tough sport but basketball almost requires being a genetic freak.  Only the few extremely talented undersized players can compete in the NBA, otherwise you have to be in the less than 1% of the population freakishly tall crowd.

Incredible! Who could have known there would be flames involving Basketball, Hockey and freaks in a soccer VS football discussion in a video gaming forum! That's just... freaking unimaginable, hahahahahahahaha!!!

C'mon, guys! Soccer is really awesome, it's something that moves with your mind; Basketball is an incredible show of art and Hockey is extreme techinique! I just don't understand american football (from now on, I'm going to refer to it as I usually do)...

I think you should stop discussing, go watch the best team of the world and learn:

Best goals from the best player in the world!
Best goals from the best team in the world!
Unfortunately, this is the most beautiful goal ever...
This is what we call "bomb"
Hail Corinthians, Champion of Champions!

Don't feel bad, most Americans don't get American Football either.  It really is that complicated... like it's a game you have to study to understand.

Well or play a LOT of Madden... probably.

Soccer is for girls =p.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
TomasPL said:

i would go with americans suck at football. that's why they copied rugby and named it football but were too scared so all handegg players have so much safety gear on them you can hardly know that there's a human under all of it. seriously american football players are pussies

that's how you play rugby


when FIFA will demand 50 pounds of safety gear than football will be popular in US ;)

I HATE the goddamn offtopic forums.

You have no idea what you're talking about,, you are insecure, immature, and poorly represent the overall soccer fandom with your ignorant statements.

Football(american) requires safety gear because it is a full contact sport, and much more violent than soccer during play(not the drunken brawls afterwards, or the illegal headbutts). Without the safety gears, people would die regularly from playing the game, and you should know that, assuming you have eyes, a brain, and even  a general knowledge of the sport.

I would flame soccer, but I have no need. Americans don't care about soccer because we have football. Enough said.

But American Football is nothing like "Soccer"! Again, it's more similar to rugby. I understand where the name came from, but it's not a particularly accurate name. I don't see why one is a replacement for the other.

And Rugby is nearly as violent as American Football, but it requires no safety gear except for a mouthguard.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Well, basketball isnt popular in Germany, and Football less.

I dont hear Americans complain about that, so I wont for Soccer.

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