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Forums - Website Topics - The VGC 3.0 Complaint/Suggestion Thread

I think I just found a bug. When I was looking at my recent posts page and moused over (or maybe i clicked?) the (new?) forums pop-up menu, the pop-up started flashing on and off and I couldn't click on this thread title to report it because the pop-up was interfering with the link. I'm currently using Firefox 3.6 if that helps.

Edit: I tried repeating the error and now it just blinks a few times before going away. It blinks once with my mouse on it, and a few times when my mouse leaves it with all the links greyed out.

Currently playing: Gran Turismo 5
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Infamous 2

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Color Scheme Needs changed up a bit. but overall i like everything, nice job!

Atto Suggests...:

Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series 

Game - Metro Last Light

TV - Deadwood

Music - Forest Swords 

I cannot seem to find my User Written Reviews anywhere, i know we can rate games easier now, but theres no reason to take away the feature to write reviews for games. you know what's causing my problem ioi? Or maybe someone else?

radiantshadow92 said:

I cannot seem to find my User Written Reviews anywhere, i know we can rate games easier now, but theres no reason to take away the feature to write reviews for games.

You have to go to the games actual page and click on the reviews tab to get acces to them.

EDIT: NVM i looked again and it only shows this site and critic reviews. Sorry, they appear to be gone.

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Totally shocked by the change, a shame that it went this way. I've seen 3 other sites do this multi-community merger, right before they died outright out of existence.

I'm a lot less inclined to visit anymore.

The Carnival of Shadows - Folk Punk from Asbury Park, New Jersey 

Seriously ioi, if you simply want us to tell you "Great!!! It has a few bugs, but then it's ok, it'll be perfect", I don't yhink these threads would be needed, as you would figure the bugs out yourselves. If you expect us to help you figuring out bugs, I would expect you would listen to general feed back too.

Honestly, I agree with you when you saypeople hate change. I deal with it all the time in my projects. But you have users saying why, and honestly, it's hard for me to believe that you like to navigate in VGChartz right now. I could tell you million reasons why, but then again it's hard for me to tell what's better besides the new features, because I can't fin any. Imagina e new user that arives here, go to VGChartz and see a game that he doesn't know seling well. he clicks on it, and there is no information about it. Not even a link redirecting to the gamrReview page of that game. Do you really believe the user will navigate through the top menu, search for the game, find it, click on it, then navigate through the top menu again to gamrConnect section, search for the game thread, etc etc etc...Because there is no board discussion on it. Damn... he can't even see a board discussion about the sales itself.

Even if this changes (and honestly, with a couple of easy and standard inter-section links, it would get muchhhhhh better) are suposed to be made in the future, I believe that each day it passes like this you're loosing users.

And with the obvious respect I have for you, your attitude in this thread has been very rude sometimes. You even laughed about this kind of complains/feedback. I truly think you have your plan, and you should defend it. But laugh about your userbase feedback sounds very rude. Userbase is what makes this website. Even if you have to please investors (I'm just saying this as you referred it at least twice) , you shouldn't ignore all the rest. Otherwise, it would be easy to transform this project in NPD Part 2. As I don't believe that's the path you want.



ioi said:

I think we know how to code a user-initiated css selector, and it isn't outside the realm of possibility, but I don't se the issue with the current setup personally. White backgrounds and green or red or blue links / detailing are pretty common styles. I don't see the big issue with green?

Please, please give customizable schemes or at least an alternative color scheme a thought.

Light green on white and (specially) grey can be really, really hard to read depending on monitor and video configuration differences. But even on less extreme cases, it's really easy to become unconfortable and irritating and that's just, well, unconfortable and irritating. It's not a deal breaker or anything, but it's also a lot bigger than just a simple detail. You may not notice it, as some others may not notice it, but it happens for many.

Also, I understand what you tried to do color coding the different sections, but you coud still use a darker grey background and keep the green, would be a LOT better for many people. Btw, it's less important, but color coding Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft/Other was great, I miss it in some places.

Oh, and I agree with just about everyone else on the hot topics thing. I see you point, but I think that the way things were trolling would already hardly ever get too much out of control and that for a video games board, VGC was really well behaved. You're essentially taking away a feature so many non trolling posters love to try and protecting them from something they don't even see as such a big problem. Anyway, even if you keep your decision, having the recently posted bar we had before telling you whenever a topic you posted is updated or if someone quotes you would be a great improvement and I don't see how it could have any drawback.

Be that as it may, I really beg you for another color scheme :)

Sorry, double post.

Oh, Dazkarieh up there has a good point about cross-section integrationg on his second paragraph up there.

Not everyone was complaining when the new colours came in.

I LOVED the darker colours because it hurt my eyes less.

I think this site should simply allow users to specify what colours the forum uses like plenty of other sites do. That way, you can have your cake and eat it aswell.

Overall the site is simply too sluggish to navigate, it takes far too many clicks to do anything. Which makes navigating this site a boring affair.

Simple things like the horizontal navigational bar in 2.0 made the site very quick to navigate and a joy to use. The vertical navigational menu for the forum for example its just too slow.

I'd suggest some kind of rolldown menus like before. So I can put my mouse over gamrconnect or whatever its called and go to forums and then select the section of the forum I'd like to navigate too. The sames should exist for all the other parts of the site.

The main point here is this. The greatest weakness of the segregation of information into multiple sites is that it browses like you're using multiple sites. Its slow and takes too many clicks. I'd suggest making it seem like its one site with a pull down horizontal menu. That way it doesn't take so many clicks to browse, you can still have more content per site page and the feeling of fragmentation can be reduced.

EDIT. just noticed the site does have a dropdown menu for the forums. However my point does stand. It'd be better in my mind if there was an integrated dropdown list that linked all of the sections in the site. This would be great because it'd reduce overall clicks for navigation whilst not reducing content per section. Eg you roll your mouse over the gamr connect, or vhchartz section at the top and it came up with the list of choices. And if was uniform like that for ever section of the site, it'd help navigation immensly.