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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy Showdown Round #5 -- Rate FF6 & FF5!

haven't played ffV but for ffvi, the castle that digs into the sand and the music that goes along with it, alone gets a 10 lol. great story and Kefla (or however you spell his name) was on of the most roofless bad guys, I have probably seen to date. mwa ha ha. so the castle gets a 10 but the game gets 9.8/10.

so my score is
ffvi: 9.8/10

correct me if I am wrong
stop me if I am bias
I love a good civilised debate (but only if we can learn something).


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Kasz216 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Kasz216 said:
AkibaFan said:
wow ff6 did very well.


get ovr urself dude.

FF6 probably won't end up with the greatest amount of 10's.  But it's likely to have the highest median and mean.  FF6 is probably by far the most popular Final Fantasy game among people who have played it.

What I find really interesting is the CONSISTENCY in this one. Most are giving it between 9 - 10

In the FF8 thread it was like a freak cricus had "10/10 ONE OF THE BEST FF EVA!" then the next post down "0.5/10 -- UNPLAYABLE MESS, WORST FF EVA!"

You hade more 9's, 10's....and 3's, even a  few 0's

I just can't understand how peoples opinions on 1 game can differ SO MUCH, the range for FF8 was like 0 - 10. The range for FF7 was lower it went from 4 (lowest) to 10

But with pre PS FF's it seems its pretty consistent in terms of ratings.

When did this huge divide occur, is FF7 the reason for dividing fans or do we blame it on FF8?

I would blame FF7.

Well more... 3D.

In 3D they couldn't get away with a lot of the series mainstrays.  You couldn't overexagerate movements for comedic effect and as such without voiceacting it was rather hard to get across these meanings in FF7.  Whch means the humor... a large part of the SNES final fantasies was replaced by cross dressing and swearing... the humor just wasn't there in the PS1 era games.

Additionally the early 3D characers just weren't as Atehstically pleasing as the spires of old.

They also made the stories more accessable and more personal driven then world driven.  The old Final Fantasy games were more about the world... and less about the people.  While FF7 was more about clouds journey. 

In genreal while FF games often had changes, the spirit was largely the same until the 3D transition.  It's also one reason why I think everybody dislikes FF12.  It somewhat goes back to that old spirit.

The divide is just bigger with FF8, because lots of people who liked FF7 didn't like FF8... and way more people played FF7 then FF6.

SO basically FF7 made a divide between old fans & newcomers

Then FF8 fractured it even more.

I think its unfair to say "everybody dislikes FF12" since one of its prime supporters is in this very thread, not to mention many fans liked it & critics too. 3 years on from its release I see more people looking at the game favourably now than it seemed like as soon as it was launched.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

FF V ----- 8.5/10
FF VI ---- 10/10

darthdevidem01 said:
Kasz216 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Kasz216 said:
AkibaFan said:
wow ff6 did very well.


get ovr urself dude.

FF6 probably won't end up with the greatest amount of 10's.  But it's likely to have the highest median and mean.  FF6 is probably by far the most popular Final Fantasy game among people who have played it.

What I find really interesting is the CONSISTENCY in this one. Most are giving it between 9 - 10

In the FF8 thread it was like a freak cricus had "10/10 ONE OF THE BEST FF EVA!" then the next post down "0.5/10 -- UNPLAYABLE MESS, WORST FF EVA!"

You hade more 9's, 10's....and 3's, even a  few 0's

I just can't understand how peoples opinions on 1 game can differ SO MUCH, the range for FF8 was like 0 - 10. The range for FF7 was lower it went from 4 (lowest) to 10

But with pre PS FF's it seems its pretty consistent in terms of ratings.

When did this huge divide occur, is FF7 the reason for dividing fans or do we blame it on FF8?

I would blame FF7.

Well more... 3D.

In 3D they couldn't get away with a lot of the series mainstrays.  You couldn't overexagerate movements for comedic effect and as such without voiceacting it was rather hard to get across these meanings in FF7.  Whch means the humor... a large part of the SNES final fantasies was replaced by cross dressing and swearing... the humor just wasn't there in the PS1 era games.

Additionally the early 3D characers just weren't as Atehstically pleasing as the spires of old.

They also made the stories more accessable and more personal driven then world driven.  The old Final Fantasy games were more about the world... and less about the people.  While FF7 was more about clouds journey. 

In genreal while FF games often had changes, the spirit was largely the same until the 3D transition.  It's also one reason why I think everybody dislikes FF12.  It somewhat goes back to that old spirit.

The divide is just bigger with FF8, because lots of people who liked FF7 didn't like FF8... and way more people played FF7 then FF6.

SO basically FF7 made a divide between old fans & newcomers

Then FF8 fractured it even more.

I think its unfair to say "everybody dislikes FF12" since one of its prime supporters is in this very thread, not to mention many fans liked it & critics too. 3 years on from its release I see more people looking at the game favourably now than it seemed like as soon as it was launched.

Well I didn't mean everbody in a literal sense.  I meant it more as in "why a lot of people dislike it." sort of way.

As with all the FF games I have rated in these threads, I'm comparing it to other games from its time and other SNES games.

As such, I would rate FFVI as a 8.5 out of 10. However, I cannot accurately rate FFV as I didn't finish it.

Its still my second favorite FF game and very fun.

Six upcoming games you should look into:



Around the Network
AkibaFan said:
Kasz216 said:

FF6 probably won't end up with the greatest amount of 10's.  But it's likely to have the highest median and mean.  FF6 is probably by far the most popular Final Fantasy game among people who have played it.

i didnt knw ff6 was loved this much. i thought ff7, 10, 9 wer most luvd. then 13, 8. then 12, 11. then 10-2 (frm wht i saw on forums). bt i never luked at pre ps ff threads recently so mayb thts why.

You'll find that those who played them often hold IV and VI as being the pinnacles of the series - more consistently than with any other game in said series.

It's great to see Final Fantasy VI receive the score and praise it deserves.

3DS Friend Code:   4596-9822-6909


Man, I hate being someone who has to give a score that might pull down the average for FF6, but I have to remain consistant. Anyway, though, let's do this:

FF5- Okay, this is my favorite, though I can easily see why someone would prefer 6 or 4. This game fits in at the pinnacle of right difficulty- not too hard, but not yet too easy. It also had the best form of customization with your classes, letting you choose what best fit what you needed. Add in that it was the last actual challenging boss in an FF and the Battle on the Big Bridge, and you get my favorite FF game made. There's not too much bad to say, but it feels like it lacks that pull to completely shock me into the "best game ever" feeling. 9.2/10

FF6- It's a better game than 5 in many ways- more memorable scenes, characters, story, etc. It had an ape-shit insane villain and the opera house, which is, to date, my favorite scene in gaming. It also played well at the points where you needed to split your party. But this was also where some of the later series problems started coming in. While there were some tricky parts (floating continent being the first to come to mind), the overall difficulty was rather low, even going through the fight chain with Kefka. Certain combinations also led to the game being easier to break. (Genji Glove and Offering? Gem Box and Economizer?) Also, everyone being able to learn every spell kinda reduced the importance of the magic users, even if their magic was stronger. (Well, unless you esper-leveled a lot with Magic +2 espers equipped.) Of course, the only speed esper being Odin gives you that other choice... If these problems were addressed, it would be one of the, if not the, best game made. 9.1/10


-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...

FFV: 8/10
FFVI: 10/10