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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy Showdown Round #2 -- Rate FF8!!

RolStoppable said:

People thinking that Triple Triad is better than FF VIII itself just shows how poor of a game it really is.

I personally think Triple Triad > FFVIII. But that doesn't make FFVIII a bad game.

Triple Triad >>>>> Kim Possible

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Khuutra said:
RolStoppable said:
So the general consensus so far is a score of 3/10. What a bad game this is!

Don't do that, you know better

Too bad he won't get vg$ for that.


Squall: Are you all right?
Rinoa: Yeah, I'm fine. I love you.
Squall: Whatever...
Rinoa: I'm a witch
Squall: I love you...

Scrap that.. I'm giving it a 4/10


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

NiKKoM said:

Squall: Are you all right?
Rinoa: Yeah, I'm fine. I love you.
Squall: Whatever...
Rinoa: I'm a witch
Squall: I love you...

Scrap that.. I'm giving it a 4/10


Hmm... what's the minimum value? I guess I'll give this 0.5/10. Yes, 0.5. There aren't many games that I've played that are worse, let alone RPGs. I can't give as much detail as I did with FF7, because I remember very little of it. (Repressed memories and all.) But I'll bulletpoint what I can:

-Drawing spells. Who thought this was a good idea? All this did was to lengthen the battles pointlessly. Or was it so that you could get to the next problem...?
-Junctioning. Wow, I've never seen an FF break this badly this early. Of course, given other ways in which the game could break, you had to play the break-back game. And that's not fun, that's just seeing who can brute-force the other through asinine game mechanics.
-Level-tying. Ordinarily this is a good thing. And I've seen it done well before. But it fails here. By tying it solely to whiny-emo-main character's level who you can't remove from the party, it forces you to either stick with the first 3 characters you get (staying with 3 = another flaw), or making everyone else in the game useless. Though I guess this alludes to my next point...
-Memorability. What happened in this game? Damned if I remember! Who were the characters? *shrugs* I really can't remember anything about this game.
-Summons. What do you mean there's no penalty for using them? (Well, other than the absurd amount of time they take to cast.) And, if anything, you're encouraged to use them, to make them stronger? Why bother even having the characters I don't remember, then? Just give me the monsters directly, then maybe things could flow better...

Fortunately, the FF series never got this low again. But damned if it hasn't tried a few times. I'd easily take any FF over this one, yes, even ones like Mystic Quest.


-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...

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I can't believe that so many people didn't like it. I found it very enjoyable... I played it twice, more than 200 hours of gameplay.

What zero's & 0.5's

I know this is silly but the production values (which include CGI scenes, music, graphics) alone make it deserve over 0 heck a 1!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Sum ppl in this thread obviously hvnt played ff8. anyway avrge score so far is 110.5/17 Average = 6.5/10 (last score counted was booh's) -- i dnt belive its so low.

The worst Final Fantasy I've ever played


Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here?


I think I rounded up a bit, but it deserves better than a 8.5. I really enjoyed this game, despite having played it after the awesomeness that is FFVII. I love the soundtrack, and while the characters are a mixed bag of good and bad, the overall cast is superior to most rpgs. The major issue with the game is that it is primarily a hack and slash, with a lot of potential... since you never want to use your best magic for fear of ruining your stats, although an awesome story, amazing junction system, and an unforgettable mini-game redeem the negatives of this game.

As for all the unrealistic scores of 0's and 3's, wouldn't you agree there is a difference between personal preference and just plain bad?