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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy Showdown Round #2 -- Rate FF8!!


My favorite Final Fantasy if not for the Music alone...Squall is my favorite Character of any video game and if you were old enough to understand the complex story its incredible...absolutely amazing.

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"

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Ssliasil said:

My favorite Final Fantasy if not for the Music alone...Squall is my favorite Character of any video game and if you were old enough to understand the complex story its incredible...absolutely amazing.

I'm fine with you liking the story and all, but please don't qualify it as if maturity and worldliness are the only things separating the people who don't like the story from people who do like it.

I'm not going to defend the actual battle system... well drawing was cool... but the junction system was great. As for the question as to how a beginner can use a GF, the game seemed to explain that the GFs were willing to side with humans they thought were tough enough, and considering that Garden students are skilled fighters, I don't see how this is unrealistic in the FFVIII world.

As for the other details involving equipping magic and such... why does magic have a point system that recovers after going to an inn or using an item? What is magic, and who defines what it has to be? Magic doesn't have to fit some certain standard, otherwise that removes any and all possibilities for originality and unique ideas.

A lot of the arguments against FFVIII are based on very ridiculous and illogical attacks, and very few of them at that. They just don't warrant 0's and 3's. I can see if the game just failed to play and had no plot and characters with no personality that played for 80 hours with bashing "X" button and moving the directional keys on occasion.

Khuutra said:
Ssliasil said:

My favorite Final Fantasy if not for the Music alone...Squall is my favorite Character of any video game and if you were old enough to understand the complex story its incredible...absolutely amazing.

I'm fine with you liking the story and all, but please don't qualify it as if maturity and worldliness are the only things separating the people who don't like the story from people who do like it.

Do you know who squalls parents are? His sister? ect ect?  if you were able to catch on to the subtleties of the plot and lore in the game, it made it so much better.

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"

RolStoppable said:

What makes it the best battle system in the series? The G.F.s, drawing magic or pressing R1 to deal more damage with Squall?

I didn't say that, nen-seur did. FFXIII is the best battle system in the series for me followed by FFX.


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Ssliasil said:
Khuutra said:

I'm fine with you liking the story and all, but please don't qualify it as if maturity and worldliness are the only things separating the people who don't like the story from people who do like it.

Do you know who squalls parents are? His sister? ect ect?  if you were able to catch on to the subtleties of the plot and lore in the game, it made it so much better.

It really doesn't.

Ssliasil said:
Khuutra said:

I'm fine with you liking the story and all, but please don't qualify it as if maturity and worldliness are the only things separating the people who don't like the story from people who do like it.

Do you know who squalls parents are? His sister? ect ect?  if you were able to catch on to the subtleties of the plot and lore in the game, it made it so much better.

Not if that information is easy to look up on the internet.  Seriously, I never even played the game and I know who Squall's parents and sister are.

Riachu said:

Ssliasil said:
Khuutra said:

I'm fine with you liking the story and all, but please don't qualify it as if maturity and worldliness are the only things separating the people who don't like the story from people who do like it.

Do you know who squalls parents are? His sister? ect ect?  if you were able to catch on to the subtleties of the plot and lore in the game, it made it so much better.

Not if that information is easy to look up on the internet.  Seriously, I never even played the game and I know who Squall's parents and sister are.

That's your fault. When I played the game, more than a decade ago, I was really hooked by the story.



Those things aren't subtle, you very cl;early find out who squalls parents are & who the "sis" is

I LOVED those plot twists personally though....but those things weren't subtleties....anyone who's played the game should know that.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Booh! said:
Riachu said:

Ssliasil said:
Khuutra said:

I'm fine with you liking the story and all, but please don't qualify it as if maturity and worldliness are the only things separating the people who don't like the story from people who do like it.

Do you know who squalls parents are? His sister? ect ect?  if you were able to catch on to the subtleties of the plot and lore in the game, it made it so much better.

Not if that information is easy to look up on the internet.  Seriously, I never even played the game and I know who Squall's parents and sister are.

That's your fault. When I played the game, more than a decade ago, I was really hooked by the story.

FFVIII is a decade old game.  It is a lot easier to avoid spoilers for a game that just came out than one that came out a decade ago.