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Forums - Gaming Discussion - To Microsoft and Nintendo fans

I'm no MS or Nintendo fan... But i want to put what i said in leo's thread in here anyway

They have the most IP's.
They have produced far more quality IP's this gen than either Nintendo or Microsoft Game Studio, possibly combined.
They don't rely fully on the same series' they have relied on since they first entered the market.
They have (or will have, soon) a game for every genre i can think of.
They produce games targetted at every group. From games like EyePet, LBP to God of War, Uncharted.


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MontanaHatchet said:
Mr Khan said:

Sony's been way too focused on making everything so mature lately. Naughty Dog made excellent games for everyone, and now they're making another M-rated explode-o-fest. Granted, a damn fine one, but one in a sea of many. Same with Sucker Punch. Sly Cooper was Nintendo-like in its charm and focus, but in no way lacking in the gameplay department, and instead they throw it away for a mature sandbox game.


Sony Japan's original creations this generation have been most excellent, but their other divisions seem way too focused on making flashy mature games.

I read this entire post, and I only have to ask: Why is this a bad thing?

It shouldn't really matter too much if the game is rated Mature so long as it's a great game. And Sony still releases games for everyone (in genres like platformers), so I don't see the big deal.

I don't like mature games that much. Especially when they are developed in lieu of games with a more fantastical style.


Granted, i hated the direction they took Jak and Daxter after doing that excellent original game, more angst and less style. They "Shadow the Hedgehog-ized" Jak before Sonic Team even bothered to do what they did.


HappySquirrel's point coincides with my own. A lot of Sony's games this time around are excellent for their genre, but operate very much inside the box.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Mr Khan said:

Sony's been way too focused on making everything so mature lately. Naughty Dog made excellent games for everyone, and now they're making another M-rated explode-o-fest. Granted, a damn fine one, but one in a sea of many. Same with Sucker Punch. Sly Cooper was Nintendo-like in its charm and focus, but in no way lacking in the gameplay department, and instead they throw it away for a mature sandbox game.


Sony Japan's original creations this generation have been most excellent, but their other divisions seem way too focused on making flashy mature games.

I read this entire post, and I only have to ask: Why is this a bad thing?

It shouldn't really matter too much if the game is rated Mature so long as it's a great game. And Sony still releases games for everyone (in genres like platformers), so I don't see the big deal.

I don't like mature games that much. Especially when they are developed in lieu of games with a more fantastical style.


Granted, i hated the direction they took Jak and Daxter after doing that excellent original game, more angst and less style. They "Shadow the Hedgehog-ized" Jak before Sonic Team even bothered to do what they did.


HappySquirrel's point coincides with my own. A lot of Sony's games this time around are excellent for their genre, but operate very much inside the box.

I don't think that's entirely accurate. They've had plenty of games that are inside the box admitedly (inFamous, GT, God of War III, Uncharted, Resistance) but they have released some rather original little gems.

Little Big Planet has pushed 4 player co-op and content creation on consoles, Heavy Rain has pushed story-driven thriller style gameplay, Flower is really difficult to describe until you've played it, but is just a joy to play and then you have them pushing even the standard games beyond what has been done technically before with 256 players on MAG.

Everything mentioned are all experiences that Sony have introduced this gen and you would be hard-pressed to find an equivalent experience on 360 or Wii.

Gilgamesh said:

How do you compare Sony's first party games with your favorite video game companies games?

Are they impressive?

Not bad?


Even in the same league as your favorite games?

I'm not a fan of any company but I'd say Sony's first party games are at least on par with Nintendo. Team ICO, Polyphony, etc. combined with publishing for Naughty Dog, Insomniac, etc. are really impressive.

Microsoft? They're way down the list. Their first party offerings aren't even on par with a small studio like BioWare. On the other hand, Microsoft's strategy is not to compete with first party developers so it's a moot point.

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rocketpig said:
Gilgamesh said:

How do you compare Sony's first party games with your favorite video game companies games?

Are they impressive?

Not bad?


Even in the same league as your favorite games?

I'm not a fan of any company but I'd say Sony's first party games are at least on par with Nintendo. Team ICO, Polyphony, etc. combined with publishing for Naughty Dog, Insomniac, etc. are really impressive.

Microsoft? They're way down the list. Their first party offerings aren't even on par with a small studio like BioWare. On the other hand, Microsoft's strategy is not to compete with first party developers so it's a moot point.

Bioware might be small... but let's face it, their games are V.good. If Bioware released a console and made all their games exclusive to it... I'd buy it! :P

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Uncharted 1 and 2 are both fantastic games. Other then that, Sony doesn't really offer me any games that I care about. I can admit that their games definitely look phenomenal and are probably solid games, however, I just like the old plumber and the fairy boy much more~

I got a PS3 based on all the raving, and I wasn't too happy.

Sony's games have a stale thing going on, and their games don't control very intuitively. I don't find them as fun or interesting as Nintendo's or even Microsoft's games interestingly enough.

Sony has this non-charming neutral thing going on, can't describe it. For some reason it's pretty much true for all their games, including Ratchet and Clank..

Scoobes said:
Mr Khan said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Mr Khan said:

Sony's been way too focused on making everything so mature lately. Naughty Dog made excellent games for everyone, and now they're making another M-rated explode-o-fest. Granted, a damn fine one, but one in a sea of many. Same with Sucker Punch. Sly Cooper was Nintendo-like in its charm and focus, but in no way lacking in the gameplay department, and instead they throw it away for a mature sandbox game.


Sony Japan's original creations this generation have been most excellent, but their other divisions seem way too focused on making flashy mature games.

I read this entire post, and I only have to ask: Why is this a bad thing?

It shouldn't really matter too much if the game is rated Mature so long as it's a great game. And Sony still releases games for everyone (in genres like platformers), so I don't see the big deal.

I don't like mature games that much. Especially when they are developed in lieu of games with a more fantastical style.


Granted, i hated the direction they took Jak and Daxter after doing that excellent original game, more angst and less style. They "Shadow the Hedgehog-ized" Jak before Sonic Team even bothered to do what they did.


HappySquirrel's point coincides with my own. A lot of Sony's games this time around are excellent for their genre, but operate very much inside the box.

I don't think that's entirely accurate. They've had plenty of games that are inside the box admitedly (inFamous, GT, God of War III, Uncharted, Resistance) but they have released some rather original little gems.

Little Big Planet has pushed 4 player co-op and content creation on consoles, Heavy Rain has pushed story-driven thriller style gameplay, Flower is really difficult to describe until you've played it, but is just a joy to play and then you have them pushing even the standard games beyond what has been done technically before with 256 players on MAG.

Everything mentioned are all experiences that Sony have introduced this gen and you would be hard-pressed to find an equivalent experience on 360 or Wii.

Exactly. The ones you mentioned are the Sony franchises that don't interest me at all. I liked the idea of LBP (though from reports of how the actual platforming mechanics are, i might have balked a little at its execution. I wouldn't know since i've never actually touched a PS3 before), and i love a lot of what they're doing on PSP (LocoRoco and Patapon). Mostly its their Japanese franchises i like anymore.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Aion said:
I like Ms better than Sony simple as that.

??? What does that have to do with the OP's question?



I'm a Microsoft fan but I'm more of a Sony fan. Would my opinion still matter?

They're ok, but not my thing.