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Forums - Sales Discussion - So does anyone still think the PS3 will sell under 8M?

Oh my God, this site is insane! I can't keep quiet any more. First off, the PS3 is selling very, very well now. Granted it will take a great deal more sales for it to catch up, but it is not out of the question. Secondly, I have to read John Lucas' holier than thou, pretentious babbling about the Wii being the second coming (I even had to read it on Kotaku). Seriously, I know this is a sales site but it you don't like a console DON'T BUY IT!!!!! Starcraft why don't you just stop, just STOP creating negative PS3 threads just because you can. Also, call me a Sony fanboy all you want, but I have a Wii, a 360 and a PS3 and I play and enjoy all of them. But seriously, think for a moment about how you would feel if you were not a Sony fanboy, but you enjoyed the last part of the PS2 era and you bought a PS3, would you really like people talking shit about your console all the time? I was NOT one of those people that gave Gamecube or Xbox owners a hard time last gen and I would appreciate if those bashing would stop acting like a lack of PS3 sales gives you a boner.

P.S.  If anyone even comments on my low number of posts, guess what,  I have a life! 

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theshoe23 said:
Oh my God, this site is insane! I can't keep quiet any more. First off, the PS3 is selling very, very well now. Granted it will take a great deal more sales for it to catch up, but it is not out of the question. Secondly, I have to read John Lucas' holier than thou, pretentious babbling about the Wii being the second coming (I even had to read it on Kotaku). Seriously, I know this is a sales site but it you don't like a console DON'T BUY IT!!!!! Starcraft why don't you just stop, just STOP creating negative PS3 threads just because you can. Also, call me a Sony fanboy all you want, but I have a Wii, a 360 and a PS3 and I play and enjoy all of them. But seriously, think for a moment about how you would feel if you were not a Sony fanboy, but you enjoyed the last part of the PS2 era and you bought a PS3, would you really like people talking shit about your console all the time? I was NOT one of those people that gave Gamecube or Xbox owners a hard time last gen and I would appreciate if those bashing would stop acting like a lack of PS3 sales gives you a boner.

Saying "the PS3 is selling very, very well now" is obviously questionable being that it is not selling (much) more than any of its competition on a regular basis, but beyond that it will be difficult to tell whether its sales improvements were long term simply because of the holiday season.

Anyways, most of the rest of your post is just a childish rant ... if you don't agree with someone's post why don't you post a well though out argument against it rather than bash the user in another thread?

I would also say between seven and seven and half million as well. I actually think the console will get to around eight million by the end of February. I think its very easy to get swept up in one decent weeks fervor, but the fact remains this consoles sales are volatile. The question remains whether the spike phenomena might actually cause negative sales with its resolution. In other words spike and the the holidays might be combining to make a wonderful picture, but one will persist while the other will be spent.

When Sony cuts prices they basically delve into a treasury. Thousands of enthusiasts sitting on the fence waiting for the console to enter their price range. However this number is finite, and over the coarse of a few week the number gets depleted. Effectively Sony sacrifices future purchases to enhance current purchases. Those who buy the machine after the price cut would have bought the machine in six months had the price cut happened then.

So it is quite possible with the market in North America and the market in Japan. That the depletion of the fence sitting market over time. Will result in a decline contradicting holiday increases. The result could be little momentum upwards. I think at best we will get a quarter million sales week once perhaps twice through the end of the year.

We shall see, but I think it is somewhat idealistic to be raising expectations even with a price cut. Considering that Microsoft is putting out pack ins, and Nintendo is releasing instant classics like Mario Galaxy.

8 million was my choice and Im sticking to it ... it will probably reach that number :)

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

I would probably put 8m as the upper limit to this year, but otherwise I am with the 7m to 7.5m crowd on this one.


Just curious, but if the shoe fits do you not wear it? I'm not saying that all of the PS3 hate is warranted but what I am saying is that if there is no legitimate arguments being made then voice your opinion in those cases and prove your point. Making generalized statements and asking for negative PS3 posts to be stopped just because you don't like the negativity isn't going to happen. You will have to show folks that the negativity is unwarranted and the problem is that quite frankly some of it is warranted, but once again if you disagree then speak up when the topic is at hand.

To Each Man, Responsibility
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leo-j said:
johnlucas said:
tombi123 said:

Does anyone still think the PS3 will sell under 8M by the end of the year?

its pretty much garenteed. 6 weeks, 2M sales. 333,333 a week world wide.

Frankly, I am starting to think my 8.5M is a bit too low now.


Count on it.

I long said months and months ago that the PS3 would struggle to get above 7 million in the best case scenario.

They definitely won't hit 8 million by the end of the year.

John Lucas


I want to now why you hate the ps3. On topic: Im more than certain the ps3 will make it to 8 M by the end of the year.

I don't hate the PS3. I'm not a fan of high priced systems— neither XBox 360 nor PS3 nor Sega Saturn nor 3DO (no game system should cost that much. these are toys)—and I actually have more respect for the PS3 than the 360 because for all of that high price at least PS3 is of good craftsmanship this time to make it worth it. I could never spend $300 & $400 on something and have it break down for nothing like these fiberglass cars they make nowadays. That's pathetic in my opinion. Not human error and manufacturing fluke but a common design flaw. Inexcusable even if I was paying $100 for a system. So PS3 wins my approval on that front.

Sony's business vision for the system is just moth-eaten though. I'm also not a fan of companies without clear focus with their products. When you buy games for a system you are investing into that system long term. You end up spending thousands of dollars when it's all said and done you want to make sure this money does not go to waste. So you try to find a company with good sturdy quality product with good content from a company with coherence in philosophy and direction.

Sony is not showing this & they are paying for it. A lot of people are wary of plunking down the pocket change because they are not certain about what Sony's gonna do. Or what the other companies are going to do to Sony. Sony seems fickle with their business plans & I can't get behind fickleness. Have a solid coherent plan & if I like what you're offering I'll buy. That's one thing 360 has going for it. They know what they're aiming for and they are targeting it right through the bullseye.

But remember. I made predictions of systems sales early on back in March & April this year shortly after I joined the site. This is just reiterating my predictions (one of which may be proven false).

Wii - AT LEAST 20 Million (Guaranteed)

XBox 360 - 13 Million range (will not break the 14 Million barrier even if it gets close) *may be false now*

PS3 - Just over 7 Million (best case scenario)

I put 'em in the prediction league and everything.

Montana Hatchet says: 

Ah, John Lucas, it's not like the PS3 is threatening the Wii, can't ya give it some love?

Of course. I feel Assassin's Creed will be a positive thing for the PS3 this holiday season.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



8 million is pretty much going to be its maximum now. Note it's not going to sell more from here on out in American than in the rest of the world. So from now til the end of the year it would need to sell a little more than a million for it this to happen. Something that given the current circumstances is highly unlikely.

333k per week isn't hard to believe.. And isn't VGC a week behind in sales numbers for the year? As in there are what, 7 weeks left in the year to hit 2 million sales? If I read the front page right, the numbers that came in for this week are for the week ending 11/10, not 11/17.

With the holidays the PS3 can easily hit 300k+ (and maybe a 4-500k week ) during the holiday season. There are PS3's available that people can buy, and they will buy them. I don't see a warehouse shortage that could "cap" the PS3's numbers like it could be for the Wii. (Depending how much they stockpiled up)

John, no way will the Wii hit 20 million by the end of this year. They'll be shy by at least 2.5-3.5 million. Not because they can't sell it, but because they can't make enough of them.

What is the deal with everyone's hatred on this site for the PS3? Are you scared that the sleeping giant is beginning to wake up and that it may beat your console of choice in the long run? If that does happen and the PS3 does surpass the Wii or 360, expect the Sony faithful to serve those mocking the PS3 a HUGE piece of sarcasm and treat them like they have to anyone who dared to say one positive thing about sony.

For the Wii fanboys, I'll hope that the Wii continues to sell well so you don't have to worry about that. For now. But I just don't see it keeping up at this pace for much longer.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

I'd expect the PS3 to be in the low to mid 8 million range by the end of the year.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

I have 8M on my signature but I believe that is more a very maximum limit, possible but hard to reach.

The Xbox360 should go near 15M and the Wii near 16-17M.

Time to Work !