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theshoe23 said:
Oh my God, this site is insane! I can't keep quiet any more. First off, the PS3 is selling very, very well now. Granted it will take a great deal more sales for it to catch up, but it is not out of the question. Secondly, I have to read John Lucas' holier than thou, pretentious babbling about the Wii being the second coming (I even had to read it on Kotaku). Seriously, I know this is a sales site but it you don't like a console DON'T BUY IT!!!!! Starcraft why don't you just stop, just STOP creating negative PS3 threads just because you can. Also, call me a Sony fanboy all you want, but I have a Wii, a 360 and a PS3 and I play and enjoy all of them. But seriously, think for a moment about how you would feel if you were not a Sony fanboy, but you enjoyed the last part of the PS2 era and you bought a PS3, would you really like people talking shit about your console all the time? I was NOT one of those people that gave Gamecube or Xbox owners a hard time last gen and I would appreciate if those bashing would stop acting like a lack of PS3 sales gives you a boner.

Saying "the PS3 is selling very, very well now" is obviously questionable being that it is not selling (much) more than any of its competition on a regular basis, but beyond that it will be difficult to tell whether its sales improvements were long term simply because of the holiday season.

Anyways, most of the rest of your post is just a childish rant ... if you don't agree with someone's post why don't you post a well though out argument against it rather than bash the user in another thread?