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I would also say between seven and seven and half million as well. I actually think the console will get to around eight million by the end of February. I think its very easy to get swept up in one decent weeks fervor, but the fact remains this consoles sales are volatile. The question remains whether the spike phenomena might actually cause negative sales with its resolution. In other words spike and the the holidays might be combining to make a wonderful picture, but one will persist while the other will be spent.

When Sony cuts prices they basically delve into a treasury. Thousands of enthusiasts sitting on the fence waiting for the console to enter their price range. However this number is finite, and over the coarse of a few week the number gets depleted. Effectively Sony sacrifices future purchases to enhance current purchases. Those who buy the machine after the price cut would have bought the machine in six months had the price cut happened then.

So it is quite possible with the market in North America and the market in Japan. That the depletion of the fence sitting market over time. Will result in a decline contradicting holiday increases. The result could be little momentum upwards. I think at best we will get a quarter million sales week once perhaps twice through the end of the year.

We shall see, but I think it is somewhat idealistic to be raising expectations even with a price cut. Considering that Microsoft is putting out pack ins, and Nintendo is releasing instant classics like Mario Galaxy.