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Oh my God, this site is insane! I can't keep quiet any more. First off, the PS3 is selling very, very well now. Granted it will take a great deal more sales for it to catch up, but it is not out of the question. Secondly, I have to read John Lucas' holier than thou, pretentious babbling about the Wii being the second coming (I even had to read it on Kotaku). Seriously, I know this is a sales site but it you don't like a console DON'T BUY IT!!!!! Starcraft why don't you just stop, just STOP creating negative PS3 threads just because you can. Also, call me a Sony fanboy all you want, but I have a Wii, a 360 and a PS3 and I play and enjoy all of them. But seriously, think for a moment about how you would feel if you were not a Sony fanboy, but you enjoyed the last part of the PS2 era and you bought a PS3, would you really like people talking shit about your console all the time? I was NOT one of those people that gave Gamecube or Xbox owners a hard time last gen and I would appreciate if those bashing would stop acting like a lack of PS3 sales gives you a boner.

P.S.  If anyone even comments on my low number of posts, guess what,  I have a life!