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leo-j said:
johnlucas said:
tombi123 said:

Does anyone still think the PS3 will sell under 8M by the end of the year?

its pretty much garenteed. 6 weeks, 2M sales. 333,333 a week world wide.

Frankly, I am starting to think my 8.5M is a bit too low now.


Count on it.

I long said months and months ago that the PS3 would struggle to get above 7 million in the best case scenario.

They definitely won't hit 8 million by the end of the year.

John Lucas


I want to now why you hate the ps3. On topic: Im more than certain the ps3 will make it to 8 M by the end of the year.

I don't hate the PS3. I'm not a fan of high priced systems— neither XBox 360 nor PS3 nor Sega Saturn nor 3DO (no game system should cost that much. these are toys)—and I actually have more respect for the PS3 than the 360 because for all of that high price at least PS3 is of good craftsmanship this time to make it worth it. I could never spend $300 & $400 on something and have it break down for nothing like these fiberglass cars they make nowadays. That's pathetic in my opinion. Not human error and manufacturing fluke but a common design flaw. Inexcusable even if I was paying $100 for a system. So PS3 wins my approval on that front.

Sony's business vision for the system is just moth-eaten though. I'm also not a fan of companies without clear focus with their products. When you buy games for a system you are investing into that system long term. You end up spending thousands of dollars when it's all said and done you want to make sure this money does not go to waste. So you try to find a company with good sturdy quality product with good content from a company with coherence in philosophy and direction.

Sony is not showing this & they are paying for it. A lot of people are wary of plunking down the pocket change because they are not certain about what Sony's gonna do. Or what the other companies are going to do to Sony. Sony seems fickle with their business plans & I can't get behind fickleness. Have a solid coherent plan & if I like what you're offering I'll buy. That's one thing 360 has going for it. They know what they're aiming for and they are targeting it right through the bullseye.

But remember. I made predictions of systems sales early on back in March & April this year shortly after I joined the site. This is just reiterating my predictions (one of which may be proven false).

Wii - AT LEAST 20 Million (Guaranteed)

XBox 360 - 13 Million range (will not break the 14 Million barrier even if it gets close) *may be false now*

PS3 - Just over 7 Million (best case scenario)

I put 'em in the prediction league and everything.

Montana Hatchet says: 

Ah, John Lucas, it's not like the PS3 is threatening the Wii, can't ya give it some love?

Of course. I feel Assassin's Creed will be a positive thing for the PS3 this holiday season.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot