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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The community is killing a good game. (Rant/Cursing)

Keep playing about 1 out of 3 games I've been getting on a good team. If everyone is playing recon on your team leave the match and find another. Its not worth the frustration of being one of 2 or 3 guys trying to do the objectives. Are you playing hardcore? Stick to the regular mode and no TKing except for destruction 2.0 just the occasional douche who knifes you repeatedly to no real effect. Does this game actually have regular voice chat? I've never heard anyone. DICE has some real design issues. There should be an obvious team chat channel. You should not be stuck with only one squad choice if you've got no friends on. It really sucks to be stuck in a squad of 3 other guys sniping from the back 40.

If your a recon only guy and everyone is sniping do the rest of us a favor and grab a Thompson and actually try to take a flag/Mcom. Join a squad. Move together. Use the back button to spot, request ammo/healing, issue attack/defend orders and defend your medic if your lucky enough to get one who does revives. The system works well if utilized and it gets you bonus points. If your gonna only snipe from the back of the map do us all a favor and don't join a squad you suck as a spawn point. Do spot its damned useful to everyone else. Use your motion mines and call in arty and at least you'll be doing something useful for the team.

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Rainbird said:
Sharky54 said:
I really hate when people complain about snipers and campers. Jesus christ. Its a game. If that is how they do best. Then let them do that. You have to evolve to be able to counteract their sniping and camping. Stop complaining and figure out a way to kill them. Every day in recent memory there is always someone complaining about this. It has always been going on. Modern warfare in general is about hiding and sneaking so you don't get killed. Go play Halo.

Dude, we're not complaining about snipers on the opposing team, as much as we're complaining about snipers on our own teams. See, some people think that you can win a match by sitting back and sniping, when you need to get in the action if you want to win. It's fine that some people snipe, some do a good job of it too, but there are way too many who try to sit back and win by camping, which is going to lose you the match.



You cant win a game of rush or conquest by sniping the hole round, maybe squad death match though.


And i never said anything about glitches.

Another thing is fucking base rape. I was playing rush earlier and we have to defend point A and B. No problem..


So we start out and we have monkeys...Great....The enemy team has the fucking black hawk and some assholes are there spawn raping us and to my suprise my m249 SAW doesn't affect the BH... wow..The thing is fucking god with Gattling guns on it.

xbox is the keyword here...haven't seen that happen in pc version...come play the pc'll have more fun...more people are on assault and medic than recon...i think mortar strikes are kinda gay...i use blowing up the tanks...they have no idea how they died...rofl

When i play Fear 2 online, I use the sniper, but I rush in to the enemy like Rambo, and snipe them only a few meters away XD

Above: still the best game of the year.

hmmm never had the tank problems getting stuck in buildings or railing, i mean sure if your stationary someone will call in a mortar strike on you.

and as far as mics go its not as talkative as the last one, the join a team thing needs to be forced like in the last one or they should split the matches, with friends the game improves

as for sniping, i like this games sniping, you can feel the shots sink over distance and have travel time like they should.
I havent played a map with too many snipers in awhile, but if thats happening you take a tank and blow up/ buldose the trees down, or a machine gun shoot them down i normally do that defending if i have time anyway it makes kill easier

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

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Garnett said:



You cant win a game of rush or conquest by sniping the hole round, maybe squad death match though.


And i never said anything about glitches.

Another thing is fucking base rape. I was playing rush earlier and we have to defend point A and B. No problem..


So we start out and we have monkeys...Great....The enemy team has the fucking black hawk and some assholes are there spawn raping us and to my suprise my m249 SAW doesn't affect the BH... wow..The thing is fucking god with Gattling guns on it.

Personally i find the BH to be a waste of players..and i have no problems taking it out of the air with an RPG...infact its usually a race between me and a friend to see who can hit it first. Ur machine gun may not damage it..but u can hit the people in the turrnets and kill them...its funny to watch their bodies fall out..and if you do have a good sniper on your team...tell him to hit the driver...nothing better to a heli fool of people free fall with them inside not knowing whats going

"Tell me why does it have to be so hard

to let go when it?s your final day

...When death is on it's way"

RaptorGTA said:
Garnett said:



You cant win a game of rush or conquest by sniping the hole round, maybe squad death match though.


And i never said anything about glitches.

Another thing is fucking base rape. I was playing rush earlier and we have to defend point A and B. No problem..


So we start out and we have monkeys...Great....The enemy team has the fucking black hawk and some assholes are there spawn raping us and to my suprise my m249 SAW doesn't affect the BH... wow..The thing is fucking god with Gattling guns on it.

Personally i find the BH to be a waste of players..and i have no problems taking it out of the air with an RPG...infact its usually a race between me and a friend to see who can hit it first. Ur machine gun may not damage it..but u can hit the people in the turrnets and kill them...its funny to watch their bodies fall out..and if you do have a good sniper on your team...tell him to hit the driver...nothing better to a heli fool of people free fall with them inside not knowing whats going

Do you have any idea how the laser target gun works? Cause it never works for me. 


I shoot it at a tank or helio, it locks on


I shoot my RPG and it goes straight..




Also when i did hit the helio with RPG they would return back and repair it. Oh my team always blows like a porn star....

are you sure its locking on? The targeting box will display the distance you are from the tracer dart..once you see that fire away and the rocket will track sometime it will miss...but rarely. Ive had it miss maybe twice. But once its locked the heli is done for...

"Tell me why does it have to be so hard

to let go when it?s your final day

...When death is on it's way"

I have to say, I've had a pretty good experience on BFBC2 on PS3 to date. I've noticed maybe 2-3 snipers per team per game, at most. There also, surprisingly, seems to be a proper balance between assaults, supports etc. I've been quite impressed with the game, even after going in with very high hopes after the original game.

GreyianStorm said:
I have to say, I've had a pretty good experience on BFBC2 on PS3 to date. I've noticed maybe 2-3 snipers per team per game, at most. There also, surprisingly, seems to be a proper balance between assaults, supports etc. I've been quite impressed with the game, even after going in with very high hopes after the original game.

One the 360 ive seen a mix bag..sometime only a few snipers and sometimes quite a few. it depends on the map and game type i think....and players common sense.

"Tell me why does it have to be so hard

to let go when it?s your final day

...When death is on it's way"