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Keep playing about 1 out of 3 games I've been getting on a good team. If everyone is playing recon on your team leave the match and find another. Its not worth the frustration of being one of 2 or 3 guys trying to do the objectives. Are you playing hardcore? Stick to the regular mode and no TKing except for destruction 2.0 just the occasional douche who knifes you repeatedly to no real effect. Does this game actually have regular voice chat? I've never heard anyone. DICE has some real design issues. There should be an obvious team chat channel. You should not be stuck with only one squad choice if you've got no friends on. It really sucks to be stuck in a squad of 3 other guys sniping from the back 40.

If your a recon only guy and everyone is sniping do the rest of us a favor and grab a Thompson and actually try to take a flag/Mcom. Join a squad. Move together. Use the back button to spot, request ammo/healing, issue attack/defend orders and defend your medic if your lucky enough to get one who does revives. The system works well if utilized and it gets you bonus points. If your gonna only snipe from the back of the map do us all a favor and don't join a squad you suck as a spawn point. Do spot its damned useful to everyone else. Use your motion mines and call in arty and at least you'll be doing something useful for the team.