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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Crysis 2 : 360 first look and 360 screenshots.

lol crysis 2 is going to look nothing like that on console, this is cryteks way of showing devs how its works the second they try to cram all their ideas into a game they will realize they have to scale it way back in order for this gen of console to run it.

great graphics dont make for a great game i really feel this engine is meant for next gen and i really dont think many devs are going to use it until the next wave of console hits.

like i said before crysis2 will look very nice on console but it will not be leaps over anything we have already seen on the consoles and by the time the console are on their last life crysis2 will look no better , im speaking about consoles of course, on pc crysis2 will remain the graphics king until the next gen , then maybe console players will be able to play crysis the way its meant to be seen

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looks good but once again wait to make my final judgment to see how it handles explosions (often leading to frame rate slow downs).

I'll post it again because it was conveniently ignored the first time but several of the images are not in 1080p, they are in 2130p i.e. four times the resolution of any game ever on the 360 or PS3 (from the link Selnor provided)

This means at least some of the images are bullshots, or at the very least have to be running on Satan's own PC. If some of the images of from PC, up scaled or otherwise photoshopped then you have to the question the legitimacy of the claims that any the screens are taken from the 360 build.

Reasonable said:
Scoobes said:

All this bickering for no good reason. The net shots are probably publicity shots taken from PC. They're Hi-res and have lots of anti-aliasing and whilst the Crytek guys are geniuses they have a lot of HDR which both consoles struggle with at the best of times.

As for the argument over the shots in the PS3 and 360 mags I refer you to this Cryengine 3 demo:

They can design both versions at the same time. In all likelyhood if the mags say they're running on PS3 and 360 hardware I see no reason to suspect they're lying, as both versions can be done in the same time frame. From the vid the engines look very similar with minimal differences.

Well said.  This is one of the first true multiplatform engines designed to support PS3/360/PC equally with minimum fuss and without any one version being the lead.

Personally I'm just excited to see what kind of games this engine supports, plus how it fares against the new id Tech5 - which is also apparently a true multiplatform environment.

The next wave of big multiplatform titles should all see a nice boost in performance on the back of this new wave of engines, and that's a good thing for everyone, PC, PS3 or 360 gamer.


Thanks. I can't believe in 16 pages I was the first to post this vid. I was really impressed with this when Crytek showed this in action running on both consoles and PC. Like you I really can't wait to see these new engines in actions, especially after >60% of multiplat games have been running on UE3 for the majority of this gen.

I've been reading all the posts. So, people actually think/thought those are the graphics from a console version?

Holy shit...

Some can certainly be heavily delusional.

That's right, just one "d"

In b4 "it's addict"
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Looks pretty good. But i wont be buying it.

Long Live SHIO!

Wow. This has to be the first time people have gone this crazy over a set of screen shots. When did we ever care about these things before there was any gameplay footage? I know I haven't. Most pre-vid photos are just quick concoctions of how a dev wants his game to look and, therefore, will almost always look better than the final product. I think just about anyone with a brain knows that. That's why we say, "Oh that's awesome looking, but let's see some gameplay." So, none of these shots mean anything until we see how it looks in the actual game. I mean how many of you guys play games with the "old school point and click" option enabled? I don't.

And really, which system has been claiming graphics king over and over again? Pretty much outdoing itself with little competition. That's right, the PS3. And it's about to do it again with GOW3. Now, before you go off on some rant, I'm not saying 360 games look like crap. Trust me, I know they don't. I'm just saying they are good, but none have been blowing the gaming sites' collective minds like UC2 or KZ2 have. And though many have praised Alan Wake (and I think it looks pretty good, too), it hasn't blown me away in terms of graphics. Especially since I haven't seen a vid yet with more than 2 or 3 people on screen at once.

Oh and selnor, where's that MGS4 for 360? You had my hopes up for that thing. J/K.

Truth of the matter is we don't truly know if those are 360 screen shots, The game is not out, they can do a lot to hype a game and make the graphics look like the best ever, When the game comes out , then we will see the real deal, til then don't get overly excited.

leo-j said:
selnor said:
aragod said:
How can these be from Xbox version when they are full HD? Is this game supposed to run in native 1080p which Xbox can't pull of?

They are bulletshots and most likely from either PC version or just renders (doesn't matter which engine, they won't run at this quality anyway).

Just so you know, the 360 can do native 1080p. It's up to the dev if they can do that with their engine. It's probably an upscaled image though. As Crytek have said it will probably be 720p on 360 and PS3.

Just so you know, it cannot do native 1080p

Perfect Dark is only 720p Yeah.... its not 1080p and the 360 cant do 60 fps either.



Garnett said:
leo-j said:
selnor said:
aragod said:
How can these be from Xbox version when they are full HD? Is this game supposed to run in native 1080p which Xbox can't pull of?

They are bulletshots and most likely from either PC version or just renders (doesn't matter which engine, they won't run at this quality anyway).

Just so you know, the 360 can do native 1080p. It's up to the dev if they can do that with their engine. It's probably an upscaled image though. As Crytek have said it will probably be 720p on 360 and PS3.

Just so you know, it cannot do native 1080p

Perfect Dark is only 720p Yeah.... its not 1080p and the 360 cant do 60 fps either.



Leo thinks that GT:PSP looks better than Forza 3 and that screenshots make 360 games look good and ps3 games look bad.......he OBVIOUSLY knows what he is talking about.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!