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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Heavy Rain or Silent Hill : Shattered Memories? (spoilers probobly)


Heavy Rain or Silent Hill : Shattered Memories? (spoilers probobly)

Heavy Rain 29 35.37%
Silent Hill : Shattered Memories 49 59.76%
I can't decide between the two 4 4.88%


the question actually was a comparison one, which you still havent noticed on 2 replies now

also how is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 not linear?

where else can you go? theres a TINY bit of exploring, but you are herded one direction.

origins as well.

in 2 there was the ost minor bit of exploring.

to be honest this silent hill had me wondering where to go more than the others

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

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Well, I haven't played Heavy Rain, but I thought that Silent Hill Shattered Memories was awesome. One of the great game on the Wii.

Proud owner and supporter of the YAKUZA games!

Pyramid Head said:

good to see someone else liked sh 4

I thought it was quite underrated, and unfairly took flak for retreading through the same levels - even though the retreading actually made total sense.

It wasn't perfect, and it felt maybe a little too far removed from Silent Hill as a location, but in concept it was the closest to Silent Hill 2, which is my favourite.  Silent Hill was great but in a sense had a story that felt fairly traditional.  I loved how SH2 was all about James with Silent Hill as this wonderful 'through the dark looking glass' place as a kind of unreal terminus for people with... issues.

SH4 for me reversed this, in SH4 it was all about the bad guy's psyche, with the main protagonist geniuinely just a nice normall guy.  The retread made sense once you understood you were taking an initial stroll through someone else's private hell, then once you understood what was really going on you had to reverse the journey to gain resolution and escape.

I also loved the sections in your room, I thought they were very, very effective, even if the mechanic felt a little removed from Silent Hill (which is how the game started I understand, as a new IP rather than using Silent Hill locale).

For me out of the main 4 it's SH2, then SH4, then SH then SH3 (which I thought was pretty good overall, if a little to light on the character depth if you see what I mean).


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

@kylie dog

glad to see fetch quests impress you

i look for other things in games

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories by miles for me. Between the acting, the animations, and the controls for Heavy Rain I totally got turned off of that game... not exactly sure how long it is but I played to the point that I played the 4 characters and haven't went back...

Honestly if the game had a different premise and the controls didn't bug me to no end I could get into it, but I'm not a huge fan of the crime drama stories. But man that's the big draw to Silent Hill: SM, amazing suspenseful story that draws you in, makes you question things, and in the end when it gives you your profile and it pegs you to a T (as long as you were honest) it's crazy.

I really don't want to get into gameplay cause there's issues with both but Heavy Rain was a snooze fest until the fights while SH:SM was really tense when hell froze over but still gripping when not running for your life, only issue once you play through it you know when things are about to hit the fan and it takes away part of that grip for your second, third, fourth and fifth playthroughs

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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thats one area to be testd

ive beaten shsm 3 times

heavy rain only once, very curious how the replays will go i must admit

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

Pyramid Head said:

thats one area to be testd

ive beaten shsm 3 times

heavy rain only once, very curious how the replays will go i must admit

I really hope I'm not the only one that the controls didn't drive me mad! (I could go back and check to see if there's a way to change them) But I got really annoyed at holding down a button to walk while not holding it make it move the camera, then during the QTE fights the simi circles would sometimes not even register with me, same with the shaking the dualshock, and finally why is there a need to have an action on the controller for every little thing, pressing up to stand up? Quarter circle to pull something out of your pocket?  Why can't a lot of the little actions just be X to check/action. 

My other major flaw I found in the game, its a game where the whole idea is actions effect outcomes, you're given three options... except it doesn't tell you WHAT THE HELL THEY DO, press left, press right, or do quarter-circle... what do these do?  Even when it does list things to ask or say it's rather cryptic "press", "sympathy", "trick", "evidence", etc.  sometimes that simply isn't enough information about what you want to do in that situation, the bioware way of responses in games seems like it would have worked amazingly here.

/end of rant

Really not trying to crap on the game... really believe me people LOL, but I had issues and wanted to make sure I'm not the only one that had these problems.

As for replay I could see them both being about the same, but I hear there are plotholes which could be linked to having so many choices effecting things that (one reason you have a character going from one emotion swinging to the exact opposite emotion) and they couldn't craft as tight of a story as they could have if they trimmed a few things... so it might get tiresome to go for all the endings, and it might not pull you in because of those huge mood swings lol

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000


gotta say i found it chill to control

the walking was horrible, but at least you never had to run anywhere, or were in any kind of hurry

so it was tolerable

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

Pyramid Head said:

gotta say i found it chill to control

the walking was horrible, but at least you never had to run anywhere, or were in any kind of hurry

so it was tolerable

Thats ok, but what about the choices thing... did you see an issue with it being so vague with choices, in a game based on every choice having consequences?

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000


some parts i wished id have a redo as id hit the wrong button sometimes

quite a few parts actually, also sometiems youd be looking at what the choices were to say or something, but theyd all disappear cus yout took too long

sorta dumb

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889