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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Insomniac: FFXIII Superior on PS3

gansito said:
KylieDog said:
People who think No More Heroes 2 compares to games like ME2 or GoWIII really need play more games.

completely agree with you, though i do love Tatsunoko Vs Capcom. The Wii has gotten ok niche games, which to some that might be "great" support, but those not blinded by loyalty know the HD consoles has been getting the AAA games.

Edit: He forgot Bayonetta as well, which is superior to GoWIII.

AAA as in big budget, or 90+ metacritic?

Either way, neither of the two really matters to the individuals that play the games. I don't care what metacritic tells me, the Wii's lineup is great for me. Its Q1 may be slightly behind the HD consoles, but as of now it takes the rest of 2010 quite handily. This isn't loyalty or fanboyism, the console simply has games that appeal to different people.

There's no need to feel sorry for Wii owners, as if we have nothing coming, or are unsatisfied with the year so far. I could get by with less games than this year is providing, honestly, especially with PC's lineup looking better than ever.

As for Insomniac, I couldn't care less (did I say it right?) about what they have to say. Resistance is awful (sorry to fans, I hated it).

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A Sony developer calling the Playstation 3 version of FINAL FANTASY XIII!!! superior doesn't seem unexpected at all, especially since it is.

Odd. Future. Wolf. Gang. Kill. Em. All. OFWGKTA Don't give a fuck!

Fuck Steve Harvey. FREE EARL!

Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be the GREATEST game EVER made!!!

I'd take a bullet for Square-Enix! 


c0rd said:
gansito said:
KylieDog said:
People who think No More Heroes 2 compares to games like ME2 or GoWIII really need play more games.

completely agree with you, though i do love Tatsunoko Vs Capcom. The Wii has gotten ok niche games, which to some that might be "great" support, but those not blinded by loyalty know the HD consoles has been getting the AAA games.

Edit: He forgot Bayonetta as well, which is superior to GoWIII.

AAA as in big budget, or 90+ metacritic?

Either way, neither of the two really matters to the individuals that play the games. I don't care what metacritic tells me, the Wii's lineup is great for me. Its Q1 may be slightly behind the HD consoles, but as of now it takes the rest of 2010 quite handily. This isn't loyalty or fanboyism, the console simply has games that appeal to different people.

There's no need to feel sorry for Wii owners, as if we have nothing coming, or are unsatisfied with the year so far. I could get by with less games than this year is providing, honestly, especially with PC's lineup looking better than ever.

As for Insomniac, I couldn't care less (did I say it right?) about what they have to say. Resistance is awful (sorry to fans, I hated it).

Yes, that is the correct way to spell it. People tend to say "I could care less" which means you COULD care less about something whereas as "Couldn't" means you CAN NOT care any less.

Odd. Future. Wolf. Gang. Kill. Em. All. OFWGKTA Don't give a fuck!

Fuck Steve Harvey. FREE EARL!

Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be the GREATEST game EVER made!!!

I'd take a bullet for Square-Enix! 


.:Dark Prince:. said:
leatherhat said:
In fairness, the wii hasn't had any solid releases this year

No More Heroes 2
Tatsunoko VS Capcom

... and we still have Red Steel 2 for Q1.

nmh2 will quite possibly come to other consoles, tats vs capcom isnt a good game, which only leaves rs2, thats 1 game.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

KylieDog said:
People who think No More Heroes 2 compares to games like ME2 or GoWIII really need play more games.

I've beaten ME2 twice, will beat it a third time shortly, and God of War III hasn't been released. No More Heroes 2 is a high quality title and unique experience that cannot be found on 360 or PS3. Similar to how ME2 is a high quality to experience that can't be found on Wii or PS3. Also GoWIII hasn't been released yet. That being the case it shouldn't be a compared to ME2 to NHM2 because they actually can be played by gamers right now.

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sully1311 said:
KungKras said:
Sony PR seems very hostile to the Wii in general these days. Perhaps they are mad that the slim didn't do that much.


You heard me.

two times this weak their PR guy trashtalked the Wii. (or was it three)

The part about the slim was just random rambling.


Wow, these gaming companies make so many stupid comments, it's as if their PR advisers are children.

binary solo said:
CommonMan said:
vlad321 said:
Now if he could actually MAKE games that were even half as good as FF13 (and I think FF13 will be pretty bad), then I would actually give a damn about what he had to say.

*writes in diary* Dear diary, today I agreed with vlad321. INORITE, crazzy!

I'll take Ratchet & Clank over FF any day.

I think we can all pretty much agree that whenever a developer comes out and talks about the opposition (be it HW or SW) 90% of the time they come of petty and churlish. Though in this case there was a sideswipe and high praise in one go. Unfortunately the unnecessary swipe at FF on 360 negated and overshadowed the prise for ME2.

Yeah, he definitely mentioned Mass Effect 2 in a very positive light. Making a game appearing on a different platform as one of your favorites is quite different.


The platform on which a game is developed almost always has the best graphics / audio. For FF XIII, the development platform is the PS3 so it is no strench that it most likely will look better there. This is not really news other than the swipe at the Wii. 

KylieDog said:
People who think No More Heroes 2 compares to games like ME2 or GoWIII really need play more games.

GoWIII is a tall order right now. But people who think ME2 is any more than a little above average REALLY need to play some more games in general.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


This is retarded, yet another Sony developer talking crap about another console... zzzzzz wake me up if anyone can pull up a comment coming from a Nintendo or Microsoft developer saying X game not made by them is better on another console they have nothing to do with.

Sony really are telling their people to uncork their shit throwers and the results really do show.