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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why did you buy your PS3? (The strongest reason.)


Why did you buy your PS3? (The strongest reason.)

Brand loyalty. 93 22.20%
Blu-ray. 47 11.22%
Exclusive games. 181 43.20%
Reliability of hardware. 30 7.16%
Free online play - PSN/web browser. 20 4.77%
Other (Please describe below) 48 11.46%
CGI-Quality said:
It was without a doubt for the games. Everything else was a bonus!

Agreed games like MGS4 and Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII.  

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

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I bought it because of brand loyalty.

Now I regret it.

I got mine for the exclusive games!

I bought my PS3 because I like the Sony exclusive games, also the fact that it was HD, could play BD movies, and I was getting a HD TV anyways.

But at the end of the days it was the games that got me into the Sony camp and it's the games that have kept me loyal to Sony.

I had a PS1 and I still have a PS2 and I love them both and exclusive games like Gran Turismo, that and Blu-Ray made me decide to get my PS3

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DevDas said:
i was drunk!

Best reason so far!

I bought the one I did, when I did, because it was backwards compatible with the PS2, and allowed me to dump my PS2 system. I was concerned Sony would be dropping backwards compatibility and they did. As for why buy a PS3 period? Well, they have some franchises I am interested in.

Random Canadian said:
Because my Playstation had just broke , no joke

oh and it was a Playstation ver 2, not a PSone or PSX

So, you bought a PS3 because your PS2 broke?  Does your PS3 play your PS2 games?

I got mine because it was cheap, $150, and I wanted a blu-ray player. Didn't care so much for the games, but with Demon's Souls and Valkyria Chronicles, I'm very glad I got it.

Metal Gear Solid 4. Plain and simple.

It surprised me, but the Xbox 360 wound up being a very "Playstation-like" experience. The main reason I got a 360 was because the PS3 was sold out. After I got my 360, I didn't really see a need for a PS3......then, MGS4 came out. I had to have it on day one and the only place to get it was on the PS3.

The rest is history.