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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - X10 : Alan Wake Images. Best Graphics on Console Ever. Yeah I said it.

homicidaIpanda said:
The_God_of_War said:
homicidaIpanda said:
The_God_of_War said:

Christ, he's at it again. PS3 fans are invading and 360 fans are whining about PS3 fans- classic selnor thread, lol. I'll say that AW does look amazing- although not THE best looking console game- and leave it at that.

I have to agree with selnor on this one, Those alan wake screenshots are amazing, i have never seen better gameplay shots in any game on the consoles.

@the_god_of_war  post pics of a ps3 game that is better then those shots of wake, and prove me wrong.

fyi Uncharted will not have the best graphics forever...move on

Good for you but I prefer to wait until a game's release until I make judgments like that. And I'm not going to start a PS3 vs 360 screenshot war in the Microsoft forum in an attempt to prove your opinion wrong.

No-one said it would.

Ok i thought u seen better thats all...

Well Crysis 2, God of War 3 and Splinter Cell all look to be on the same level as Alan Wake IMO....but again, all unreleased games.


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jeez sarcasm...but ps3 fanboys cant admit when a 360 game looks better then a ps3's best graphical game.

homicidaIpanda said:
The_God_of_War said:

Christ, he's at it again. PS3 fans are invading and 360 fans are whining about PS3 fans- classic selnor thread, lol. I'll say that AW does look amazing- although not THE best looking console game- and leave it at that.

I have to agree with selnor on this one, Those alan wake screenshots are amazing, i have never seen better gameplay shots in any game on the consoles.

@the_god_of_war  post pics of a ps3 game that is better then those shots of wake, and prove me wrong.

fyi Uncharted will not have the best graphics forever...move on

Why pictures? Watch this. And this is gameplay, not some random bullshots.

And this... Seeing that the majority of pics he posted aren't gameplay. Have some non-gameplay from Killzone 2.

And this is without even going to Gran Turismo 5, Crysis 2 or Heavy Rain.


@carl i own a ps3 and uncharted 2 and killzone and geting heavy rain. I played the heavy rain demo also. The gameplay shots and clips of the alan wake video (gameplay parts) are better imo then the titles listed above. Crysis 2 is the only game that you mentioned that may top wake, but havent seen much of it yet. werent people disapoint graphically in the gt5 demo?

homicidaIpanda said:
@carl i own a ps3 and uncharted 2 and killzone and geting heavy rain. I played the heavy rain demo also. The gameplay shots and clips of the alan wake video (gameplay parts) are better imo then the titles listed above. Crysis 2 is the only game that you mentioned that may top wake, but have seen much of it yet. werent people disapoint graphically in the gt5 demo?

That's fair enough in your opinion. This thread wasn't made on opinions though. This thread is made as fact, as you can see from the title, first post and replies from the thread creator.

GT5 Demo looked worse than GT5:P. It was only used to show people the physics engine in some form. Sort of like an Alpha build of the game.


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homicidaIpanda said:

@carl i own a ps3 and uncharted 2 and killzone and geting heavy rain. I played the heavy rain demo also. The gameplay shots and clips of the alan wake video (gameplay parts) are better imo then the titles listed above. Crysis 2 is the only game that you mentioned that may top wake, but havent seen much of it yet. werent people disapoint graphically in the gt5 demo?

Um, you do know that it wasn't meant to be a graphics demo, right? It was meant to be a display for the physics engine, and for professional racers.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

Those screens are excellent! I need to see them in action.

im done here...alan wake screen shots can speak for themselves


wheres actual game play, i dont want cut scenes

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

huaxiong90 said:
NightAntilli said:
Fine O_O Believe whatever you want to. As for me, I'll keep my opinion of all those games you mentioned to myself. My only opinion is Crysis > All. Other than that, I will not compare Alan Wake, Halo Reach, UC2, KZ2 with each other. Another thing I'll say is that GOW III and MGS4 graphics are HEAVILY overhyped and overrated. But people are entitled to their opinion, though there's a difference between an informed and an uninformed opinion, but that's not for me to judge.

I do agree that rickz0r's comment was totally uncalled for, as I know you were just trying to make a point.


But to be fair, of course if you're going to look at MGS4's or Gears of War 2's graphics now with all the currently released games, it's not going to look impressive. But during 2008, MGS4 looked phenomenal for its time (consoles, of course, I don't think any game compares to Crysis yet), especially the last fight between Snake and Ocelot. But at the same time, I'm not going to hold it against you regardless of reasons, you're entitled to an opinion (and given your post history, I respect your opinion).


Now as for God of War III's graphics...I don't think it's fair to say that until we've seen the final build.

Yeah, some comparisons simply shouldn't be made in the first place. But I'm getting tired of all the graphics hype, and people being hypocrites because they don't want the other console to have great graphics as well. It makes me sick. As for GOW III, you're right that we should wait till we see the final build, but that should be from both sides, not just the ones that give critique, and it often seems as if people are only allowed to hype it, and anyone who does not, is gonna get flamed and insulted etc. even when neither side has seen the final build. If someone is allowed to say it's the best graphics ever, someone else is also allowed to say he's not impressed. And that shouldn't turn into insults and flame wars because opinions differ. But I guess people in here are not mature enough. In this thread we already saw countless of those individuals. I'm not saying any names, because I'm not attacking anyone personally, it's just a general statement.

What also makes me sick is that only exclusives tend to get that hype, even when multi-plats tend to look just as good or better. I hear no one talking about FarCry 2 for example, while it has amazing graphics on the consoles. Or assassin's Creed II. Or my personal favorite, Mirror's Edge. In the end it's all something to brag about one's own console, which is simply not needed in the first place if you're really happy with it. Why all the hate to the other side to defend your console? Downplaying the other console isn't gonna make yours better.. It'll damage the reputation of people who share the same console as you. And I see this happening from one side way more than the other. Which side is which, I'll leave for anyone to decide for themselves, since again their opinion might differ, but the essence of my message has been delivered.

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