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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Best FAR CRY spin-off?

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Best spin-off for FAR CRY:

Instincts (series) 2 25.00%
Vengeance 0 0%
Paradise Lost 0 0%
Blood Dragon 6 75.00%
Primal 0 0%
New Dawn 0 0%
Dive into Insanity 0 0%

I'm playing FAR CRY: New Dawn, and this question came to my mind.

I really love Blood Dragon, the only title in the series I have finished. I played Primal for some time, it was really fun, and now I'm spending my gaming time on New Dawn.

My vote so far goes to Blood Dragon. What about yours?

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Only ones I've payed is blood dragon, New dawn and Primal, did not enjoy New dawn or primal at all, Primal particularly is a terrible game. I enjoyed Blood Dragon but it was mainly for the retro vibes, not really a great game. In fact I've never finished a Far Cry apart from Blood Dragon and usually get bored a few hours in but somewhat enjoy my time with them even if it's short lived.

I think Far Cry Instincts on Xbox is excellent. Much more linear than the PC original but lots of fun. The feral abilities go a long way.