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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Help finding an upcoming tactics game

Hey, guys. I need help relocating an upcoming game that I'm pretty sure I didn't hallucinate. It's a tactics game kinda like Triangle Strategy or Unicorn Overlord and looked awesome but I can't seem to remember the title or find it again. It's definitely not Fire Emblem or Tactics Ogre, either; pretty sure it's a new IP that was revealed in one of the recent Directs. Did I just imagine the whole thing? Thanks for your help.

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Are you talking about the new Eiyuden Chronicles?

coolbeans said:

Are you talking about the new Eiyuden Chronicles?


TallSilhouette said:

Hey, guys. I need help relocating an upcoming game that I'm pretty sure I didn't hallucinate. It's a tactics game kinda like Triangle Strategy or Unicorn Overlord and looked awesome but I can't seem to remember the title or find it again. It's definitely not Fire Emblem or Tactics Ogre, either; pretty sure it's a new IP that was revealed in one of the recent Directs. Did I just imagine the whole thing? Thanks for your help.

Any tactics game immediately gets my attention. How would you describe the art style?

burninmylight said:

Any tactics game immediately gets my attention. How would you describe the art style?

Iirc medieval fantasy with either some great cover art, 2D elements, or just straight up 2.5D. Again, similar in mood to something like Triangle Strategy or Unicorn Overlord.

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You said new IP and medieval fantasy, so not Steamworld Heist II. That criteria would also rule out Romance of the Three Kingdoms 8 Remake.

The closest thing I can think of right now is C.A.R.D.S. RPG: The Misty Battlefield. Medieval (somewhat), 2D/2.5D and comes out in almost exactly a month:

Otherwise, maybe Inklunati?

Not those, either. Starting to think I imagined it, which I really hope I didn't because it looked amazing.

Maybe on this list somewhere?

No Rest for the Wicked? Not a strategy game but best I can come up with.


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Songs of Silencie, Ara: History Untold or Manor Lords could be it.