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Forums - Sony Discussion - Best Playstation Controller!


Favorite Generation Playstation controller

PS1 0 0%
PS2 4 13.33%
PS3 2 6.67%
PS4 4 13.33%
PS5 19 63.33%
other 1 3.33%

Hello  I was always wondering what you guys consider the greatest playstation controller.  The generation in which had the greatest playstation controller was PS2 because it too the best of the PS1 and looked really cool in black! 


Around the Network

DualShock 4 and Dualsense are the only good controller Sony ever had. Rest are trash. Cramped. Tiny. Shitty Dpad.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

If I hadn't played Astro's Playroom, I would probably say DualShock 4 for a more comfortable shape and better battery life.
But I have to go with DualSense. The shape is more comfortable than it looks, the light bar is better, and the features are great when used. Just about the only flaw is the battery life.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

PS4 controller for me. Havent tried the PS5 one yet though.

Dualshock 4.

Still havent gotten use to the Dualsense

Around the Network

I don't think PlayStation, or Xbox for that matter, have ever gotten worse with their next controller design. My only problem with the dualsense is battery life but the upcoming dualsense v2 looks to address that.

I only used the PS1, PS3 and PS4 ones. They are basically the same. Though, PS4’s battery life is a joke (really terrible) and the touchpad is useless so I guess PS3’s is the best as the original is wired and heavier.

Leynos said:

DualShock 4 and Dualsense are the only good controller Sony ever had. Rest are trash. Cramped. Tiny. Shitty Dpad.

Opinions and all but can you explain how their D-Pad is shitty? Tekken pros who use controllers typically go for PS controllers (including PS1's original) and have no problem beating some of the best Arcade players out there. Worth noting that Tekken is the most movement input sophisticated fighting game by a landslide.

Do you just dislike how their D-Pad feel or do you think they had functional flaws? I actually think DS4 has the worst D-Pad simply because it wears out very quickly (excessive "Korean backdashing" kills it within a month). I don't remember having the same problem with the other PS controllers, which apparently had more durable rubbers.

On topic:

I have pretty big hands, but my two favorite PS controllers are DS2 and DS3 (minus its slippery R/L2's) Didn't particularly like DS4's controller, and the DualSense is even worse to me... not a fan of its proportions or its "plushy" D-Pad.

Sony's old controllers were so light and introduced me to the perfect layout. Loved them. The only "chunky" controller that felt great in my hands is GameCube's.

Kyuu said:
Leynos said:

DualShock 4 and Dualsense are the only good controller Sony ever had. Rest are trash. Cramped. Tiny. Shitty Dpad.

Opinions and all but can you explain how their D-Pad is shitty? Tekken pros who use controllers typically go for PS controllers (including PS1's original) and have no problem beating some of the best Arcade players out there. Worth noting that Tekken is the most movement input sophisticated fighting game by a landslide.

Do you just dislike how their D-Pad feel or do you think they had functional flaws? I actually think DS4 has the worst D-Pad simply because it wears out very quickly (excessive "Korean backdashing" kills it within a month). I don't remember having the same problem with the other PS controllers, which apparently had more durable rubbers.

On topic:

I have pretty big hands, but my two favorite PS controllers are DS2 and DS3 (minus its slippery R/L2's) Didn't particularly like DS4's controller, and the DualSense is even worse to me... not a fan of its proportions or its "plushy" D-Pad.

Sony's old controllers were so light and introduced me to the perfect layout. Loved them. The only "chunky" controller that felt great in my hands is GameCube's.

DS1-4 dpads felt stiff to me and a lot harder to pull stuff off. Shmups or fighting games. I never liked Sony Dpads much but Dualsense/Vita feel a little looser which is nice. DS4 is comfy overall tho but yeah Dpad sucks. Never been a big Tekken person. More of a Virtua FIghter/Virtual On arena fighting game fan tho VO needs dual analog so moot on that I guess.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit! this even a question? Obviously the PS5 controller lmao.