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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Live Cancelled Over Threats?

Nintendo has cancelled their upcoming event in Tokyo and several other events due to threats against Nintendo staff and players.

How is this happening? Why all the threats against Nintendo staff and players? Who are making the threats? Is 4chan trying to regain relevance?

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and in Japan of all places. Must be serious.

KLXVER said:

and in Japan of all places. Must be serious.

It's like there's a gaming equivalent of incells and they're responsible.

At the least, if they're taking this seriously it's prolly also because the origin of those threats have backing.

Better be safe than sorry if something were to come to worst

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Probably politically motivated, but I don't know who.

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Well this came out of nowhere. What threats were made? When were the threats made and about what? I imagine that they must come from Japan itself for Nintendo to actually close down the event, I doubt they would take it seriously if they came from outside Japan.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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Darwinianevolution said:

Well this came out of nowhere. What threats were made? When were the threats made and about what? I imagine that they must come from Japan itself for Nintendo to actually close down the event, I doubt they would take it seriously if they came from outside Japan.

I bet it was North Korea, considering how close Japan is for Kim Jong Dum to fire his nukes.

CaptainExplosion said:
Darwinianevolution said:

Well this came out of nowhere. What threats were made? When were the threats made and about what? I imagine that they must come from Japan itself for Nintendo to actually close down the event, I doubt they would take it seriously if they came from outside Japan.

I bet it was North Korea, considering how close Japan is for Kim Jong Dum to fire his nukes.

Maybe he cant beat the Final Final Challenge in Super Mario Bros. Wonder and it pissed him off.

KLXVER said:
CaptainExplosion said:

I bet it was North Korea, considering how close Japan is for Kim Jong Dum to fire his nukes.

Maybe he cant beat the Final Final Challenge in Super Mario Bros. Wonder and it pissed him off.

I figured he always did things like this because his dick can only be seen under a microscope. Same with Putin, Ali Khamenei and Xi Jinping.

Anyone of them could have done this because they think they're untouchable. They're like overgrown 4chan users.

This has become an yearly tradtiion at this point. With gamers getting upset and getting fun events canceled.
