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Forums - Movies & TV - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Ah whatever. I know there isn't much room here for movie-specific threads in this day and age, but this is the last time I get to make one of these and I'm not gonna let that pass me by. (Besides, if a Dune trailer can get a thread then this surely is worthy enough )

So the year is 2023, the month is May, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is real. It isn't a fever dream, it's an actual film that has been released and people have seen it. Still somewhat stuck on trying to work that out.

I don't know how many times over the years I dreamed that I was watching this, and every single one of those was a disappointment. Well thankfully my dreams don't come true. I saw it yesterday and to say I was blown away would be an understatement. And yeah I suppose you should expect that coming from me but this movie was truly amazing, I feel like it'll blow a lot of people away too. This really was the perfect end to a perfect trilogy, what a ride these past 9 years were... These films have basically shaped my entire presence on this community. So for it to be over, it's pretty overwhelming. Maybe I'll make sense of my feelings over time, but for now, I'm just eager for y'all to see it.

And uhh yeah I suppose no spoilers for now

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Seeing it tomorrow morning. Can't wait! Looking forward to Awesome Mix Vol 3 and whatever shenanigans the Guardians get themselves into. Haven't watched a trailer. Going in as blind as can be, just the way I like it. I rewatched both the first two this week and it's so funny how hard they both hit emotionally. I don't suppose this one will be any different. Between the Mario Movie, this, and Zelda next week I have been eating well!

super_etecoon said:

Seeing it tomorrow morning. Can't wait! Looking forward to Awesome Mix Vol 3 and whatever shenanigans the Guardians get themselves into. Haven't watched a trailer. Going in as blind as can be, just the way I like it. I rewatched both the first two this week and it's so funny how hard they both hit emotionally. I don't suppose this one will be any different. Between the Mario Movie, this, and Zelda next week I have been eating well!

There's so much I want to answer here and I'm not gonna say absolutely anything

GotG is one of the few superhero movies I watch so I'm looking forward to it. Hoping it's good so James Gunn goes on a high to work on the DCU.






Will be watching it tomorrow evening. Im very much looking forward to it, Gotg movies are the best part of the MCU

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Been a bit quiet in here, hmmmm

super_etecoon said:

Seeing it tomorrow morning.

Jpcc86 said:

Will be watching it tomorrow evening.

edit: oh also I just came back from my second viewing. Still mindblown. I get some of the criticisms people are having, it's definitely got its flaws. It might not be the perfect movie, but for me it is the perfect farewell. It gets me so emotional not only from the events of the movie itself, but also just making me think about everything these characters have meant to me over the past nine years. And really this movie is made for me, it's made for people who love these characters this much. Because it's made by someone who loves them this much. That's all it needed to be.

Last edited by mZuzek - on 07 May 2023

Movie had me tear up. That's 2 movies in 2 days. The whale and guardians.

Many times people blow this movie out of proportion raising expectations high but only to see that it's an average movie. I hope it becomes profitable early.

Check this Game  Flip Runner

I'll watch it when its on D+

I liked the first two movies and the holiday special was great too.

I loved it. It was way more emotional than I thought it'd be. Loved Manti's personality. I had a blast. Gonna watch it for a second time this afternoon.
The only couple of things that I have my reservations about areAdam W's use in the movie and the final fight, but yeah, overall great movie.