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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy XVI - State of Play

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Yesterday we had a whole 25 minutes presentation about Final Fantasy XVI. Here's the video for those of you who want to watch it. What did you think of what was presented?

For my part, I have my reserves. I'm not sure I want Devil May Cry combat in a Final Fantasy game and the enemies seemed to be damage sponges (that might have been to show off combos though). The Eikon fights look amazing and varied and there seems to be a lot to do in the world and the story looks much more interesting than XV.

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Other than the enemies looking like absolute tanks, minor enemies at that, I personally thought the game looked pretty good. The DMC combat doesn't bother me at all as the only experience I've had with the Final Fantasy franchise was 7 Remake, so I don't have any ties the combat systems of previous games. Plus I'm a huge fan of DMC.

I'll most likely hold out till it gets a PC release though.

I don't usually get very hyped about games, but I'm kind of hyped about this one, and all the videos are definitely one contributing factor. I don't like everything I'm seeing, and I especially don't like how far this is getting from the series' roots gameplay-wise, but certainly seems good to me. Gameplay, as always, is the biggest question mark at this point, but I trust they're at least not going to butcher it altogether.

That said, regardless of how good this ends up being, I'll probably be even more excited about the next game in series, since it'll probably get back to a more fantasy-like world and vibe. I don't mind this either, but I much prefer the feeling of games like FFX. Maybe we'll have that by 2030 if we're lucky!

Potential to be goty , lets hope the story is as the rest , cant fucking wait , cant believe a main final fantasy again in some months


I loved every bit of it.

I wasnt planning to watch the whole thing and skim through it but I ended up watching the whole thing.

Probably the only time I ever watched a "conference" without stepping away or anything.

I wanted FFXV to be full fledged action but it ended being some weird hybrid. I'm loving the new direction and love how it shits over Tales Of series in a big way.

I'm really gonna get the game this year for sure (though I'm leaning on buying Zelda ToTK with my BB credit) and will likely get FFXVI during the holidays when it drops in price cause SE games drop in price so quick.

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Combat is really turning me away from it, I find that way too many games have samey combat. The whole spin, jump, juggle, build meters and bars to use specials etc. It's just tiresome and uninteresting to me. Unfortunately; even the new Dragon Age seems to be going this route, and it's not a pretty look on any RPG franchise (in my opinion). Just about the only game I ever tried that managed to make this fun and worthwhile was Dragon's Dogma, it had great combat which was actually fun.

I lost interest in FF after FFXII, and it's only worsened since then. FFXIII and XIII-2 were huge letdowns, as was FFXV, all due to the combat. It looks like this one will continue the trend on my part.

I heard the best summery of ff16 promotions today: "Clive is cool as shit. Clive is hard as fuck. Clives dog is the best boy. And all of Clives friends have face tattoos."

And it works. I am all in.

Mummelmann said:

Combat is really turning me away from it, I find that way too many games have samey combat. The whole spin, jump, juggle, build meters and bars to use specials etc. It's just tiresome and uninteresting to me. Unfortunately; even the new Dragon Age seems to be going this route, and it's not a pretty look on any RPG franchise (in my opinion). Just about the only game I ever tried that managed to make this fun and worthwhile was Dragon's Dogma, it had great combat which was actually fun.

I lost interest in FF after FFXII, and it's only worsened since then. FFXIII and XIII-2 were huge letdowns, as was FFXV, all due to the combat. It looks like this one will continue the trend on my part.

Funny you share all this negativity, considering the combat system of the game is designed by Ryota Suzuki, who is responsible for the battle system of Dragon’s Dogma.

Hynad said:
Mummelmann said:

Combat is really turning me away from it, I find that way too many games have samey combat. The whole spin, jump, juggle, build meters and bars to use specials etc. It's just tiresome and uninteresting to me. Unfortunately; even the new Dragon Age seems to be going this route, and it's not a pretty look on any RPG franchise (in my opinion). Just about the only game I ever tried that managed to make this fun and worthwhile was Dragon's Dogma, it had great combat which was actually fun.

I lost interest in FF after FFXII, and it's only worsened since then. FFXIII and XIII-2 were huge letdowns, as was FFXV, all due to the combat. It looks like this one will continue the trend on my part.

Funny you share all this negativity, considering the combat system of the game is designed by Ryota Suzuki, who is responsible for the battle system of Dragon’s Dogma.

How is that funny? It just shows he lost his way. Blizzard used to be magnificent, as did Bioware. iD Software were on top of the world, Epic Games actually produced good games that weren't Fortnite, Gran Turismo used to be fun, etc. Things change, I never see the humor when it's for the worse.

Heck; Square Enix used to make amazing FF games.

I kinda love all i did see and gonna buy it when it release on pc, but i think it could have be way better graphically, where is unreal engine 5/4?
This is a step down from ff7 remake