If it's not fully openworld.... those graphics are even less forgivable. I hope it turns out well but my hopes aren't the highest for it, I don't trust gamefreak.
If it's not fully openworld.... those graphics are even less forgivable. I hope it turns out well but my hopes aren't the highest for it, I don't trust gamefreak.
Calling it, it's going to be like as linear as every other Pokémon game before it.
I really want to feel excited about this game but I don’t feel anything. I’m just not interested, and that makes me feel a bit sad. Game Freak has one of the most valuable IPs in the world and they have no idea how to handle it - it’s simply too big for them now.
THat is nice, I always liked that Pokemon remained compact in level design. If is anything like the design of the Crown Tundra or the Isle of Armor, then Legends should be pretty good on that front.
That may be a good thing. One of my primary worries was that the "open world" looked kind of empty and there didn't seem to be much to do, but if the game is more focused like Monster Hunter, that may alleviate some of those issues. I'm still very interested to see more from this game.
Every trailer for this game looks worse and worse and worse. The last trailer that showed of the ancient Scyther looked horrible.
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