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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mario 64 Proves That Fans Are Wrong Saying "It's Fine For A Launch Title"

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Sorry guys to be me again here in VGC.

I'm reading since the Xbone and PS4 launch that excuse from the fans trying defend the rushed stated of the launch titles for their system.. It is easy to read "What did you expected? It is a launch title".


Be or not be a Launch title is not a excuse for bad or rushed games.

Forza 5 have low content because it is a launch title? Bullshit.
Killzone have a boring SP because it is a launch title? Bullshit.
Knack have low scores because it is a launch title? Bullshit.
Battlefield 4 is unplayable because it is a launch title? Bullshit.
Xbone can't do 1080p because it is a launch title? Bullshit.

All excuse without any credibility.

I'm a PlayStation Fanboy Master and I will tell you what I think from the games I played:

+ Killzone SF: Mediocre SP but Amazing MP... sorry but GG could worked better on SP.
+ Resogun: Amazing but short... again the guys could give us more.
+ Contrast: Good but with so many bugs.
+ Battlefield 4: Forget this franchise for ever.
+ Knack: Good game wihtout any soul.

To avoid flamebait I will hide for myself what I think from the Xbone launch titles.

Now about Mario 64? It was a launch title and never felt rushed or incomplete... no it is a FULL LAUNCH TITLE EXPIRENCE.. the best 3D Mario already created...

So why people thing "launch title" is an excuse? Bullshit.



Some example of launch titles games that I played...

  • Super Mario World
  • F-Zero
  • Pilotwings
  • Luigi's Mansion
  • Tekken Tag Tournament
  • Unreal Tournament
  • Street Fighter EX3
  • Super Monkey Ball
  • Halo: Combat Evolved
  • Project Gotham Racing
  • Perfect Dark Zero
  • Project Gotham Racing 3
  • Resistance: Fall of Man
  • Wii Sports
  • Soulcalibur
  • AeroWings
  • Sonic Adventure
  • Pilotwings 64
  • Battle Arena Toshinden
  • Jumping Flash!
  • Rayman
  • Virtua Fighter
  • Panzer Dragoon
  • Daytona USA
  • Altered Beast

You can disagree but most of these games are better than the actual launch titles with few exceptions. 

I think I forget some good launch titles in the list.

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Great thread.

I also attribute this phenomenon to the rise of DLC and patches.

I am going to go out on a limb here and say I agree with you mostly. I don't get the hate on KZ singleplayer. I thought it was pretty good...Also, all I have to say is AC4 on PS4...It destroys every game you talked about. Rivals is good to.  Dead Rising is excellent as well.  Resogun is probably the best exclusive out of both systems though, but yeah there is room for improvement, but I am enjoying most everything I have played, with the excpetion of Rise.  Such a cool premise and graphics but the fighting is PISS poor.  I have not played Forza yet, other than a cpl minutes.

Completely agree. It's been very strange to see people defending mediocre launch titles citing "launch title" as a mitigating factor. Some of the greatest games of all time have been launch games: Super Mario Bros., Tetris, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, SoulCalibur, Halo: Combat Evolved, Twilight Princess.

morenoingrato said:
Great thread.

I also attribute this phenomenon to the rise of DLC and patches.

I agree.

I loved every patch PD did with GT5 but I hated the ideia of have it when they could deliver everything like a complete game... don't get me wrong here I hate the patches but if the game is not complete I need and deserver patches to fix it... it is the minimum... what I can say is that I want the game without need patches.

I think I'm a little confuse.

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Veknoid_Outcast said:
Completely agree. It's been very strange to see people defending mediocre launch titles citing "launch title" as a mitigating factor. Some of the greatest games of all time have been launch games: Super Mario Bros., Tetris, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, SoulCalibur, Halo: Combat Evolved, Twilight Princess.

To be fair, Super Mario Bros was only a launch title in the West. It came out two years after the Famicom did in Japan.


I still agree with you and the OP.

Also, EA and DICE should no longer be allowed to make BF games after how bad 3 and 4 are compared to like 5 other excellent games before those...

soulfly666 said:
Also, EA and DICE should no longer be allowed to make BF games after how bad 3 and 4 are compared to like 5 other excellent games before those...

I didn't even get in the point if BF4 is bad dor not (I think the main BF games boring) but how it was launched for PS4 is unacceptable... three/four patches after and the game still crashs every time at the point that finish a game match become a lucky for the player.

Well, being logical...


1 - Mario 64 is obviously an amazing exception.

2 - This thread considers that exceptions contradict the norm.

3-  Well, no, as the norm is not defined by exceptions.

ethomaz said:
soulfly666 said:
Also, EA and DICE should no longer be allowed to make BF games after how bad 3 and 4 are compared to like 5 other excellent games before those...

I didn't even get in the point if BF4 is bad dor not (I think the main BF games boring) but how it was launched for PS4 is unacceptable... three/four patches after and the game still crashs every time at the point that finish a game match become a lucky for the player.

Mario 64 is one of the best games ever.  It also came out when launch titles could make or break systems / companies.  Now half done broken mediocre stuff can get released because people are willing to pay for it...and then defend companies for it being broken, and pay them for premium, and DLC packs, and rent servers from them, and fast unlocks...  How anyone can be OK with BF4 is incredible to me.  They must have never played any of the older ones pre 3.  I'm so glad I didn't pay for it.  I learned with the broken and terrible game that 3 was.