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Forums - Sales Discussion - Ubisoft: Watch Dogs & AC4 Preorders "Much Bigger" On Next-gen

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Pre-orders for Watch Dogs and Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag are higher on Xbox One and PS4 than on current generation platforms, says Ubisoft.

European chief Alain Corre told MCV that the transition to the next generation of consoles will be faster than expected.

It follows comments from UK retailers last month (MCV 745, 06/07/13), who claimed the lack of games released exclusively on PS4 and Xbox One, coupled with big current-gen games like GTA V, will dissuade consumers from upgrading.

“The fans are really excited to get their hands on the new technology,” Corre said. “It has been eight years without a home console from Sony or Microsoft so we feel a lot of excitement from our fans for Watch Dogs or Assassin’s Creed IV. The pre-orders we are getting are much bigger on our next-gen games.

“So we feel that the transition might be quicker. There is a real appetite for change.”

In terms of Ubisoft’s own titles, he said: “We expect Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag to be well accepted. When we look at our pre-orders on next-gen, we think these two games can feature in the Top Five.

Corre added: “There is a number of good quality products at launch [for each console]. I think that will bring back a lot of lapsed gamers and it will also seduce new consumers to spend some more time on interactive entertainment.

“So we’re full of confidence heading into 2014.”

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Well I'm getting both of them at PS4 launch, though I haven't ordered yet since there is no release date or price

VGC US preorders chartz show that too.

i can see watchdogs, they barely showed anything from the current gen systems and still havent seen it running on Wii U. AC4 surprises me, especially after last year's game. What of Wii U version im not seeing it anywhere on the preorder charts.

PS4 and Xone will have an amazing launch that's for sure.

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Thats cool. I'm getting watch dogs on the ps4 also.

Vgc pre-order data likely way off then.

I will be waiting to get a ps4 before getting these games, even though i am going to have to wait for it to launch in my country or for me to import it.

If thats true its bad news for them.

To be honest though, i can safely say they arent beeing truthful. They want to incentivise next-gen sales for some reason. Its comparable to that poor quality screenshot of current gen Watch dogs that they advertised. I wouldnt be so quick to diss VGC numbers. They are probably correct.

Can someone explain me, why anyone would pre-order those games? I mean, is anyone expecting that there will be shortages or something? Or better yet, can someone tell me why in the world anyone on this planet would pre-order digital games?

Seriously, I don't get it. You walk into a store one day before release and you see a shitload of copies from the game you want. Why pre-order? Why on earth is there even an option for games? Are people pre-ordering movies, too?

Little bit off-topic, sorry, but it just blows my mind.

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