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Forums - Sales Discussion - Ubisoft: Watch Dogs & AC4 Preorders "Much Bigger" On Next-gen

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well isnt it obvious that next gen would have more preorders because there is a finite number of console available for preorder so people jumping in to get them. People you know what to get games for it too lol.

Current gen mass market owners don't need to preorder or play the game day one lol.



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Nem said:
oniyide said:

but lying about preorders doesnt serve that purpose, but not showing current gen versions and when you do show it they look worst, certaintly do

Its not lying. You dont know exactly wich numbers and under wich circunstances they are referring to. They literally give no information except a bloated "much bigger". Its very easy to twist something into that. Have them reveal the numbers and prove to us what their definition of "much bigger" is.

I still stand by VGC on this. I very much doubt the games will sell more on next gen consoles. Especially Assassins 4. Actually, im pretty sure of it. Watch dogs is more difficult to tell since its a new IP starting with new consoles in mind. Wich is why ubi wants to push this idea so much. I am unsure how much the title is actually gonna manage to sell.

oh i wasnt expecting AC4 to do better on next gen. hell no. I think itll be PS3, 360, PS4, xbone, Wii U(not hating on Wii U but not seeing any preorders at all AND it could leg out and pass the PS4 and xbone versions) anyone's game

Cobretti2 said:
well isnt it obvious that next gen would have more preorders because there is a finite number of console available for preorder so people jumping in to get them. People you know what to get games for it too lol.

Current gen mass market owners don't need to preorder or play the game day one lol.

This.  I never pre order games.  If I really want it day 1, for 360 or PS3, I go an buy it from the store easy as that.

With all the crazyness around the launches of the new systems, I can see why some might pre order.  That and people are looking to bundle games with the systems when they go to sell them on Ebay.  Masks potentially higher profit margins.