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Forums - General Discussion - A Major Issue that Needs to be Addressed by Moderators

RolStoppable said:
KHlover said:
KHlover said:
It is not only our Blue Slime Rocket and it is not only PMS jokes. Certain users on this site (mostly senior members) seem to be able to get away with anything, all you will hear is along the lines of "Hurr durr, he's always been like this. That's just who he is. Deal with it."

Nowhere in my post did I imply you should be permabanned. I just think some/many of your threads would lead to a certain ban if they were made by a new/less famous user. You might remember when Man-Bear-Pig was banned for a thread which was almost a carbon-copy of yours (yours being a Mario Kart vs LBP Racing satire thread or something along these lines)? That's about the only issue I have with you.

I really like your threads, the fact that they only seem to go unpunished because they are made by you...not so much.

You didn't say that I should be a moderator either. It was just a general statement regarding how others see me.

Yes, I remember those unbiased reviews. We had a big thread specifically discussing those and most people were able to notice a difference in tone between the threads in question.

Perhaps my threads go unpunished, because I have developed a good judgment to set the right tone. When was the last time that one of my threads got so out of hand that it needed to be locked? I think it was in 2008.

Anyway, it certainly has a lot to do with reputation. When someone joins this forum, they start at 0. It's up to every individual to collect plus or minus points in the eyes of the moderators and other users. I get preferential treatment for sure, but I don't think anybody can say that I didn't earn it. And if you like my threads, why would you want me to get punished for them? Isn't that kind of a contradiction?

I admit it - it IS a contradiction. And I stand by it :P

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I've never understood why posts that break the rules don't get deleted. Especially offensive ones.

RolStoppable said:
KHlover said:

Nowhere in my post did I imply you should be permabanned.



Anyway, it certainly has a lot to do with reputation. When someone joins this forum, they start at 0. It's up to every individual to collect plus or minus points in the eyes of the moderators and other users. I get preferential treatment for sure, but I don't think anybody can say that I didn't earn it. And if you like my threads, why would you want me to get punished for them? Isn't that kind of a contradiction?


Marucha said:

Ok I have completely lost track of where this thread has gone lol...

I really don't see anymore need for me to say anything. I have pretty much made my point. Nobody seems to want to put on different glasses to see if a compromise can be made. I think many good points were made... I agree with Rol, and I'm sorry, not going to go find the post to quote it... but I think that yes, not ALL posts should be deleted lol... but, definitely, ones taking the lead to put the thread in a very bad direction or outright encouraging aggressive behavior, they need to be at least edited (that portion deleted).

.... I have already more or less pulled back from the forums just by my own reactive nature and I just don't see a point to continue the argument where there is none. If the moderators don't care, then there's no solution.

its really not fair to say the mods dont care. while i mostly agree with you on this matter its really not right to say the mods dont care. they really do a lot of work to keep this community running and i personally think they do a great job. the thing is that to keep it running they simply cant please everybody, just like kentor explained in his post. i really think you shouldnt just give on the forums, there are a lot of great users on here and the mods are really good people. i would suggest that you, and the other females who are bothered by this subject personally talk to axumblade and kentor, make it clear that it isnt an issue just with you, but with most of the females on the site. then a solution might be found. but its not really fair to say the mods dont care when everything they do on the site they do to make the community better and help it

bananaking21 said:
Marucha said:

Ok I have completely lost track of where this thread has gone lol...

I really don't see anymore need for me to say anything. I have pretty much made my point. Nobody seems to want to put on different glasses to see if a compromise can be made. I think many good points were made... I agree with Rol, and I'm sorry, not going to go find the post to quote it... but I think that yes, not ALL posts should be deleted lol... but, definitely, ones taking the lead to put the thread in a very bad direction or outright encouraging aggressive behavior, they need to be at least edited (that portion deleted).

.... I have already more or less pulled back from the forums just by my own reactive nature and I just don't see a point to continue the argument where there is none. If the moderators don't care, then there's no solution.

its really not fair to say the mods dont care. while i mostly agree with you on this matter its really not right to say the mods dont care. they really do a lot of work to keep this community running and i personally think they do a great job. the thing is that to keep it running they simply cant please everybody, just like kentor explained in his post. i really think you shouldnt just give on the forums, there are a lot of great users on here and the mods are really good people. i would suggest that you, and the other females who are bothered by this subject personally talk to axumblade and kentor, make it clear that it isnt an issue just with you, but with most of the females on the site. then a solution might be found. but its not really fair to say the mods dont care when everything they do on the site they do to make the community better and help it

That has been done. I mentioned it in the OP. It does not matter what we say, we have no say in the matter. I'm not the type to leave in a storm, but I have been leaving gradually... it's just matter of nature... I've created a safe haven for us off this site and there are so many female unfriendly aspects to this site, that I really can't in good faith encourage them to put up with it if it bothers them so much.... put in this position, I am kinda speaking for the group already in even just making my overall point.

I don't personally begrudge the moderators individually. I just think it's f-ed up the actual system. I don't know why the system is the way it is. I have not been here long enough to understand the patterns of everything that goes on on this site... I basically stay out of everything that is drama drenched on this site so I easily am out of the loop.

My point is, I have seen lots of people, like me... post less... male and female... take breaks from the site, because of lack of quality posts and stealth trolling. It does occur. Being dismissive and not addressing the criticisms made here does not actually address the problem. And actually, it is really fair to say the moderators don't care... when you have reported, raised hell in PM, and yet still have to put up with other people taunting you with "COme on whatever" attacks on your purpose of actually posting anytime you raise so much a finger... you feel like nobody gives a crap.

This thread pretty much cements it for me. I don't feel guilty about it, because I made an actual effort to get the girls to get along here. So far, I am seeing nothing but complete resistance to the idea that apparently... a moderator does have the power to do something about growing intolerances... but instead we shield stealth trolling? This makes no sense to me. And why should it?

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kain_kusanagi said:
I've never understood why posts that break the rules don't get deleted. Especially offensive ones.

my 2 cents on the matter

and a post from rol about the matter as well

hope this helps

For "flaming" and "trolling", I think that moderators should only moderate "extreme" comments (which itself is vague).

The main problem with trying to moderate "offensive" language or "trolling" is that there's no clear standard and it becomes arbitrary. Try to implement rules, it becomes confusing and just impedes discussion.

As much as I hate fanboys, I hate the fucking PC bullshit that goes on here. Again, one, it's inconsistent, just by the subjective nature of "flaming" and "offensive". Anyone can feel like they're being provoked or offended. Two, it just kills off any critical opinions, or in the OP's case, any jokes.

While "extreme" is subjective, I'll rather take the inconsistencies with moderating "extreme" stuff, than with trying to fuck around with the huge possible range of "flaming", "trolling", "prejudice" comments.

Marucha said:
bananaking21 said:
Marucha said:

Ok I have completely lost track of where this thread has gone lol...

I really don't see anymore need for me to say anything. I have pretty much made my point. Nobody seems to want to put on different glasses to see if a compromise can be made. I think many good points were made... I agree with Rol, and I'm sorry, not going to go find the post to quote it... but I think that yes, not ALL posts should be deleted lol... but, definitely, ones taking the lead to put the thread in a very bad direction or outright encouraging aggressive behavior, they need to be at least edited (that portion deleted).

.... I have already more or less pulled back from the forums just by my own reactive nature and I just don't see a point to continue the argument where there is none. If the moderators don't care, then there's no solution.

its really not fair to say the mods dont care. while i mostly agree with you on this matter its really not right to say the mods dont care. they really do a lot of work to keep this community running and i personally think they do a great job. the thing is that to keep it running they simply cant please everybody, just like kentor explained in his post. i really think you shouldnt just give on the forums, there are a lot of great users on here and the mods are really good people. i would suggest that you, and the other females who are bothered by this subject personally talk to axumblade and kentor, make it clear that it isnt an issue just with you, but with most of the females on the site. then a solution might be found. but its not really fair to say the mods dont care when everything they do on the site they do to make the community better and help it

That has been done. I mentioned it in the OP. It does not matter what we say, we have no say in the matter. I'm not the type to leave in a storm, but I have been leaving gradually... it's just matter of nature... I've created a safe haven for us off this site and there are so many female unfriendly aspects to this site, that I really can't in good faith encourage them to put up with it if it bothers them so much.... put in this position, I am kinda speaking for the group already in even just making my point.

I don't personally begrudge the moderators individually. I just think it's f-ed up the actual system. I don't know why the system is the way it is. I have not been here long enough to understand the patterns of everything that goes on on this site... I basically stay out of everything that is drama drenched on this site so I easily am out of the loop.

My point is, I have seen lots of people, like me... post less... male and female... take breaks from the site, because of lack of quality posts and stealth trolling. It does occur. Being dismissive and not addressing the criticisms made here does not actually address the problem. And actually, it is really fair to say the moderators don't care... when you have reported, raised hell, and put up with other people taunting you with "COme on whatever" attacks on your purpose of actually posting anytime you raise so much a finger... you feel like nobody gives a crap.

This thread pretty much cements it for me. I don't feel guilty about it, because I made an actual effort to get the girls to get along here. So far, I am seeing nothing but complete resistance to the idea that apparently... a moderator does have the power to do something about growing intolerances... but instead we shield stealth trolling? This makes no sense to me. And why should it?

I am so sorry to hear that. But please don't leave. That's like giving up and letting the jerks win. Instead fight for your right to be here. Just keep reporting and enourage males to report for the same stuff. It shouldn't just be females that report anti-woman posts. Everyone should report rule breakers even when it's not directed toward them personaly.

But please don't just pack up and leave. I know you know that there most of us guys aren't childish assholes. Don't let the bad apples ruin the bunch.

Marucha said:

You do realize, this is not really an issue for you because you're not female

Actually, part of the disconnect is probably that guys are inundated with insulting and belittling rhetoric on a daily basis--and it's accepted.  We really have no choice but to laugh about it.  Hollywood loves appealing to women by making fun of men, especially in romantic comedies.  I've heard phrases like "men think with their penis" literally hundreds of times.  We don't have the option to complain about that because it would be a wasted effort.  By your standards, something like that should be moderated every single time.  That's not going to happen, though, and we know it, and we've learned to live with it.  I suppose that has something to do with guys looking at some of these complaints with a skeptical eye.

The subject discussed here is related to one of the many reasons why I'm not an active user. Because the standards of respect and mutual understanding in the social interactions here is pretty low.

I didn't understand the PMS/SQL joke (nor I want to). But I still don't wanna be a part of this community. I'll keep on posting here and there and just that.