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RolStoppable said:
KHlover said:
KHlover said:
It is not only our Blue Slime Rocket and it is not only PMS jokes. Certain users on this site (mostly senior members) seem to be able to get away with anything, all you will hear is along the lines of "Hurr durr, he's always been like this. That's just who he is. Deal with it."

Nowhere in my post did I imply you should be permabanned. I just think some/many of your threads would lead to a certain ban if they were made by a new/less famous user. You might remember when Man-Bear-Pig was banned for a thread which was almost a carbon-copy of yours (yours being a Mario Kart vs LBP Racing satire thread or something along these lines)? That's about the only issue I have with you.

I really like your threads, the fact that they only seem to go unpunished because they are made by you...not so much.

You didn't say that I should be a moderator either. It was just a general statement regarding how others see me.

Yes, I remember those unbiased reviews. We had a big thread specifically discussing those and most people were able to notice a difference in tone between the threads in question.

Perhaps my threads go unpunished, because I have developed a good judgment to set the right tone. When was the last time that one of my threads got so out of hand that it needed to be locked? I think it was in 2008.

Anyway, it certainly has a lot to do with reputation. When someone joins this forum, they start at 0. It's up to every individual to collect plus or minus points in the eyes of the moderators and other users. I get preferential treatment for sure, but I don't think anybody can say that I didn't earn it. And if you like my threads, why would you want me to get punished for them? Isn't that kind of a contradiction?

I admit it - it IS a contradiction. And I stand by it :P