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Ryuu96 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Attacking Tesla Vehicals is not on. That's an attack on citizens and not on Musk, leave peoples property out of your lunacy, you aren't raging against the machine by destroying someones car and attacking the buildings and factories, while less shitty is also pretty fucked but what gets me if you Americans are facing a recession as mentioned in this thread yet so many are so far gone, they'd attempt to tank and destroy Musks industry propping companies (and all those they employ). I swear, China and Russia are rubbing one out just watching these news stories gooning ferociously and blowing loads everytime someone metions Trump or Musk. I swear this will spiral into something much worse and paces the way for cyber dystopian terrorism, many here in Europe are saying we should defend ourselves against Russia by limiting speech and while I'm very much against it, I look at the US who'll uphold free speech even when it indirectly causes severe real world harm and wonder is it worth worrying is though, it's worth the entire system crashing, it's worth a world war down to the last two men fighting, at least the sons and daughters of the dead will know the immense freedom when you aren't imprisoned for a stray thought or speaking out of emotion and will no peace from the fear that comes with that.

People aren't drawing Swastika's on other peoples Tesla's, they're drawing the Hindu symbol of good luck and prosperity

In all seriousness, I give that a big fat "Meh", Lol. Musk is a Nazi but we've known for years how much of a POS he is, I'm not going to condone vandalising someone's property but at the same time I struggle to care this much about it. There are actually important things to care about, like Musk dismantling America's institutions, illegally firing thousands of people, spreading dangerous fake news and propaganda over Twitter, etc. And these attacks on peoples actual vehicles are a very small minority.

An attack on Tesla vehicles sitting in a factory or building unsold is not an attack on citizens either and is very much an attack on Musk. That is very much "raging against the machine" and protests throughout history are often violent in nature. Don't ever move to France, you'd have a heart attack seeing how the French stand up to their governments bullshit, Lol.

Americans are facing a recession precisely because of billionaires like Musk, supporting the Trump administration which doesn't have a clue, nor care about what they do to America's economy to enrich themselves when it all collapses. Musk's companies would very much survive without him and actually, a large part of the propping up of those companies comes from the government subsidies and billion dollar contracts that they receive, so in a way you could say it is the people who are propping up Musk's companies, Lol.

Musk's companies aren't propping up much. Tesla is an overinflated meme stock, vehicle company, Twitter is a loss maker and SpaceX's existence relies on the Government. China is definitely rubbing one out, watching Trump destroy America from the inside and then attacking all of America's allies, thus in turn weakening America's soft power and increasing China's.

People in Europe want to defend against Russia by blocking Russian propaganda and Russian puppets, that is not limiting speech, that is protecting yourselves against an aggressor, that is actually, contrary to what you believe, defending democracy. Upholding democracy doesn't mean just letting anyone come in and inject their poison just because "free speech" and allowing people to spread lies because "free speech"

But seriously, US who'll uphold free speech? They're actively trying to deport someone for being pro-Palestine, Lmao. But hey it's cool because they are pro-free speech when it comes to KKK and Neo-Nazis. Did you say that (unless I'm reading it wrong) it's okay for it to cause "severe real world harm" as well? And that it's worth the entire system crashing, a WW3? All so people can have their "free speech"? Lol. People have free speech but freedom of speech doesn't mean and has never meant, freedom from consequence.

For example, if people start screaming racial slurs, they should be kicked out of the establishment they're in, if someone says on here they believe in Eugenics, they will be permabanned, these aren't just casual stray thoughts or speaking out of emotion, they're simply being a massive dickhead and people should fear being that because that level of "free speech" leads to people normalising Hitler salutes, normalising hatred towards certain cultures, then eventually leads to concentration camps and wars.

So it depends on what "free speech" you're talking about, because there absolutely should be some level of rules against certain things.

Anything that doesn't cause harm or lead to harm. If the people your defending who have a right to violently protest didn't have a voice or were so afraid of their Governemnt like in China where they actually get "disappeared" as someone said above you wouldn't see any of this for all the wrong reasons. You are for freedom of press but not free speech which is the backbone of freedom of press. And yes, someone can say something out of emotion or from a completely innocent perspective or even a bad joke and still be held to account as people like the KKK, putting neaurodivergent people at severe risk of these laws and you can't do two tier justice so no protections and also the beurocracy would not see a difference either way. And like I said before, our governments change, now those laws could work for you but in 10 years those laws could work very much against you and you could be put in jail for speaking undeniable objective facts that are clear for anyone with eyes to see. 

I know I don't have much in the way to give you in discussion but as I'm neurodivergent I fear getting banned for saying the wrong thing much like I and many will fear getting sent to jail for saying or doing the wrong thing (or acting the "wrong way" which is seen as creepy and can cause offence) should these laws, against all common sense, be put on paper. Also, don't give me the, if you've nothing hateful to say you won't be jailed but when laws become ridiculously wishy washy like the site rules here and on many other sites that are volunteer moderated anything can be taken as hateful or the judge can rule against someone based on their emotion or political stance and get away with it Scott free. 

This is the first brick in our modern western society that if pulled will cause a whole heap of other bricks to come tumbling down on top of us, war or no war and in the cyber age it's probable and logical to think that we may never get these freedoms back as, like you said protests in the past have been violent but violent protests have proved to do absolutely nothing in the age we live in, in fact it they help with control and governmental manipulation as we saw in Hong Kong. 

Tag me when the gun turns around the other way, religious zeolets have gained control of EU countries and have these laws to work with and you, a poor atheist who has posted all your opinions online gets life in jail for not having the right opinions retroactively. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - 6 hours ago