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Xxain said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I can't keep up with you guys on plats. It's wild how many Xain and VersusEvil have done so soon in the year. Really impressive stuff, the two of you but I have to wonder what your secret is @VersusEvil You must have severe insomnia to get all that done but it's the times you get them in at that's most impressive. Neir Automata in 4 hours and wo Long Fallen Dynasty in 30 hours. That's so damn impressive, took me 55. Stellar Blade in 50, took me 70+. 

WO LONG in 25 hours is nuts. You would have to know where all the collectables are to achieve that. Gotta be using a guide.

My thing is that I don't play lots of AAA games in a year. I mostly play AA and under. The plat time for these games is usually under 80 hours. As of now Tales of Arise and Death Stranding are probably the only big games games I'll be playing this year. I think you may be playing too many big games lol.

What other 2 games did you plat? NVM

Yeah, Idk how he does it. Even with a guide it's still a feat cause you'd have to exit the game and plan it out in your head cause looking at the guide takes time and that's time left afk with the clock ticking. 

You've the right idea, long games are only only great to platinum if the games are beyond exceptional, yet it is those games that are the most fun to plat. It gets tougher and tougher to push through some games these days like FF7 Rebirth or FF16 just to finish them never mind plat them, those two could do with 30 percent less and they'd be well long enough. That said small indies games can turn into long experiences, Vampire Survivors an indie for 5 euro is one of the best platinums I ever earned, it's so fun and so smart with so many trophies to pop it took them two seperate lists to get around Sonys guidelines.