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golfgt170 said:
palou said:

Zelda has twice the user reviews Horizon had in the same time frame (add 900 reviews for the WiiU version), for approximately equivalent sales. If Horizon had 3000 earnest reviews and 1000 fanboys (of either side, doesnt matter) reviewing, then Zelda had 3000 earnest reviews and 5000 fanboys.

already answered: 

All games on metacritic get a 0% as soon as the game opens for rating. Ofc games that have a history of 20 years arent comparable on the same degree as new IPs. Haters gonna hate that's for sure. But then again haters aren't only in zelda territory. See CoD etc...

So you agree the Metacritic user score can always just be dismissed as it is useless. That was already a lot in discussion in these forums, as Nintendo presented a list of games with critics AND user scores in Metacritic.

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