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potato_hamster said:

Look I get what you're saying. But can you also see that also seems to indicate that gamers in general tend to hold Nintendo to a different standard?

Can you imagine a IP being launched by MS that featured a damsel in distress trope, minimal story, and constant visual reminders poping up in the middle of the screen not being scrutinized heavily for it no matter how great the gameplay is or how polished it is? Maybe in 1995, but I personally can't in this day and age.

Sure it's a Nintendo thing, but that shouldn't mean they should get a free pass for it.

The Tomb Raider reboot was Damsel in Distress, you were going to save Sam from a cult of cannibalistic worshippers of an ancient deity. It good reviews. Given, it wasn't Microsoft, but Square-Enix isn't Nintendo.

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