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Boutros said:
spemanig said:
Boutros said:

The point is to use terms that don't lead to confusion. Using "consoles" to talk about handhelds is simply confusing because handhelds have a name of their own whereas consoles are only called consoles. There's no other accepted term for something like the PS4. It's a console. But the 3DS can be called a handheld and no one will be confused on the matter. If you want to use a term that includes both consoles and handhelds than use "hardware". It isn't a question of actual definition of the word. It's about the definition that leads to the most comprehensible use.

Wrong. It's a home console.

No one calls them home consoles.

You do, if you differentiate between home and handheld consoles. Otherwise you get it from context. Actually I do all day, because at work I have to work with consoles which have nothing in common with gaming consoles. So the REALLY exact term is home gaming console and handheld gaming console. Obviously nobody spells that out. But it is ridiulous to suddenly say the other consoles aren't consoles anymore.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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