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First of all - I don't know why you bring up science in your OP. You ask moral questions (except maybe 3, but more to it later), and science doesn't help with moral questions. Morals are basically a decision on what is moral (right) or not moral (wrong). We seldom really decide about our morals, they are mostly learned and assembled from our surroundings. Also people tend to have different morals, but usually you have for most questions a common moral in the society. For instance usually it would be considered immoral if I kill someone (except defending myself). That this is immoral is the moral of the majority. These majority morals tend to change over time, we clearly not have the same morals as in the middle age.

1. We have no clear majority morals on the topic of abortion. Majority morals on this topic differ between countries, age groups and religious beliefs. But usually the fetus is not considered. If you say abortion is wrong, then it is wrong in this case. If you say abortion is the decision of the woman (in a certain timeframe since inception), then it doesn't matter if she uses additional information. Sometimes other factors are weighed in, like if the child is from a rape (I don't really understand this, it doesn't seem to be right - if you believe abortion is wrong because of the rights of the fetus, it is wrong even if it came from rape, but that wasn't the question here) or there is some threat to the health of the women through the pregnancy. so I say, it doesn't matter for the question of abortion.

2. Well, should someone who tends to be depressive be considered sick? How about women that tend not to follow the orders of their husband? Or people that are opposing the government? In different times some of these things were considered an illness, sometimes not. So that follows the same category. Following the todays majority morals it would be considered normal, as nobody is harmed by gender identification.

3. What is the question here? Are these things genetic? I don't know. If they are genetic, would it affect children? Yes, as genes get inherited. But it may be more complicated, even if it is genetic, it may not be simple parents are transgender -> children are also transgender. Biological inheritance can be more complicated than that.

4. Whether or not LGBTA or being criminal is a choice or not - it doesn't matter here. Criminals harm other. Even if they have no choice about it, we as a society have to do something about it. LGBTA-people don't harm others. So it doesn't matter. They simply don't need a "defense".

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