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mrstickball said:
Mnementh -

Honestly, I'd say the reconciliation of East and West Germany has much more to do with the issue of sales rather than PC-dominance (which is probably part of the sales going to the PC market).

When they joined back up, there was a huuuuuuuge income difference. West Germans lived in poverty. Even now, the incomes of east and west still have a difference. Not only this, East has had to pay alot for West's equality. Because of this, GDP has grown near-stagnantly, and incomes aren't as expendable as UK.

However, it's getting better. At some point, I'd tend to think that Germany will snap out of it, and rival France (which is about 20-30% bigger). Then UK.

I'd love to see Eastern Europe grow, prosper and sell more consoles. It'd be neat to see what the Polish and Russians could do for gaming.

Oh, interesting view, that east germany is more rich than the west. I think you mixed up the both. Also that the west has to pay for the buildup of the east ... the 'Solidaritätszuschlag' is a tax, that is payed by east-germans the same as west-germans. Anyways, you may be right, that the reunification had some negative impact on the wealth. But as far as I know germans are wealthier as most europeans, and may on the same level as for people in the UK. I think poverty is more commonin the UK actually. Scandinavian countries seem to be very wealthy, but the population is much smaller. After all, germany has a abnormally small vg-market. I dont understand it really, but I hope that the german market will grow in the future, that's why I posted as I did. As I can see in my surrounding the Wii changed for many people the view on videoconsoles here in germany. Before most people don't even considered videogames, now that perception is a little bit changed.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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