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I swear we need to let the CD Project acquisition go haha. They haven't given any indication they want to be acquired, the expense would be insane, and they're not a very strategic purchase.

Minecraft was a special case. Its as much a platform as a title. Its used in schools, to teach coding, and can run on everything from consoles to toasters. It has a different strategic purpose for MS.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:

This sounds awesome, I love the behind the scenes stuff, also when they announce what studio location they're going to next we're going to lose our shit with hype. "Up next, Playground Games to talk to you about what they've been up to"

Hmmm, it has the potential to be good, but then it also has the potential to be as bad as that one EA E3 where they mainly had behind the scenes videos with very few actual game announces. If I'm remembering correctly, all we got from EA that E3 were yearly sports games, the teaser trailer for Mass Effect Andromeda, which had better graphics than the actual game, and a behind the scenes look at in development Star Wars games, most of which ended up getting cancelled by EA. 

EA's shows are bad literally every year, pretty much regardless of how they change up their format. Cus EA simply makes no pretentions about their show being anything other than for investors. They give 0 shits about what your average gamer thinks of their presentation.

Ryu thinks there's a 70% chance of MS acquiring CDPR, only 30% for Techland. Excellent.

coolbeans said:
Angelus said:
Ryu thinks there's a 70% chance of MS acquiring CDPR, only 30% for Techland. Excellent.

No, no, no!  It's split between a 69% chance of MS acquiring The Astronauts, 30% for Techland, and 1% CDPR.  I say hooray to that. :P

The who now? There are astronauts in Poland? I know MS is investing a billion dollars and all, but there's no way that's enough for a proper space ship. 

I wonder how MS will space out their upcoming games, both Obsidian, Initiative and Playground will show off/Announce their AAA projects this summer.

i doubt that all will be 2021 releases Fable is likely 2022.

coolbeans said:
Angelus said:

The who now? There are astronauts in Poland? I know MS is investing a billion dollars and all, but there's no way that's enough for a proper space ship. 

Well...since you called me a cheapskate last time I decided to show you up.  Sorry I couldn't wait until MS' announcement.  ;)

That's fair.

shikamaru317 said:

Speaking of Techland and The Astronauts, IGN recently did a video about games that seemingly disappeared (games that haven't gotten new info or gameplay in at least 2 years). Both Techland's Dark Fantasy first person RPG Hellraid, and The Astronauts dark fantasy first person shooter Witchfire were in the video. They both looked pretty cool, I hope we see them both eventually, even better if they become Xbox exclusives.

Seems like Hellraid became dlc for Dying light

Ryuu96 said:

Hmm, focus on 2020 games, it's going to be a short event then.

I mean they did already say it was gonna be under an hour, so as soon as I heard that I really dialed back my enthusiasm for this showcase. I reckon it's gonna be around 40-45 minutes or so, with at least 10 of those being people talking. AC will probably get like an 8 minute gameplay presentation to itself, so that leaves us with maybe 20-25 odd minutes of other stuff...tops. 

If MS makes any other aquisitions, Asobo studios is at the top of my list, followed by a Japanese developer. Blooper team would be a good get too.

Ryuu96 said:

@shikamaru317 What marketing does Xbox have for 2020?

I was hoping we'd see Dying Light 2 but with that game being indefinitely delayed I feel like it's definitely not 2020 anymore.

Sony has Watch Dogs marketing right?

TLOU2 was indefinitely delayed too lol