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Forums - Sales Discussion - Official Wii Fit Sales Predictions Thread

ALLL depents on wat the wii is goin to sell,
if the wii sells 150 million then wii fit will sell 40 million, but i'm guessn since the wii in the end of 2008 will sell 25 million more so wii fit should do 12 million in 2008. but
Na fisrt week- 1.3 mill
2008- 12 million
life time- 35 mill

wii fit, and wii play will prob stay in the top 20 for the rest of this generation.

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NA first week- Supply limit
2008- 10-15Million
Life time- 30-40% of Wii owners

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konnichiwa said:
radioioRobert said:
1.5 million in North America week one...., 2.5 million by week 3.

I don't think it will outsell the PS3 WW lifetime. However, hasn't Wii Fit already sold more than the PS3 in Japan? I remember they were close...

Yups or atleast when the new Japan numbers come in.

It will be close, but I think Wii Fit JPN (2.04m) sales will be just under total PS3 (2.10m) sales for this week by about 10k units or less. Next week definitely. 

1.3-1.5m is probably too high unless the NA marketing effort and media exposure has a much bigger effect on initial sales in NA than the other global regions. It will have to be a pretty substantial effect to more than double Week 1 sales in the Others region.

About 1m is a more reasonable estimate. It would help to know how many were shipped of course.

As for Wii Fit outselling the PS3 WW by the end of 2008; very unlikely. That's predicting well over a 40% attach rate when a 30% attach rate is far more realistic, even from the most optimistic viewpoint. 15m WW by the end of 2008 would be phenomenal, but PS3 sales should be closer to 20m. 

Astrodust said:
Wii Fit made the Today Show. I don't know if anyone saw this. It is beginning...

Nice to see that Microsoft obviously doesn't control content on MNBC

It's been over 20 weeks of wii fit in Japan, and the attach rate for wiifit to new wii is selling at about 75% (and the average is already over 30%). Given that it's already exceeded 30% in Japan, and new wiis come with a 75% attach rate, I wouldn't consider 40% that unrealistic. I would expect higher attach rates in the US than in Japan.

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One imponderable is that this is NA where diet and fitness sell a hell of lot better than Europe or Japan and I don't think any console software has ever reached so far outside the traditional video gamer population; so I don't know any way to make a reasonable estimate. The whole concept is so new that there is no agreement on whether it’s even a game or not. I'm sure it'll be huge in the long run but I have no idea about the initial sales at launch.

If the rumor that there will be 4M sets at launch is true, I wouldn't be that surprised if all 4M sold in a matter of days. But who really knows, this is uncharted territory.

Where did the 4M rumor come from?  last I heard it was "at least" 1million for launch

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stop being a chicken, Grampy and JUST PREDICT! lol, it's not a big deal.

WiiFit will be 2008 #1 selling game in NORTH AMERICA!  
End of '08 Predictions: Wii - 48m X360 - 25m  PS3 - 19m
Wii monthly NA sales will top 400k every month in '08. *Jan sales ruined it. Grrrr!*
WiiFit will top 1m in sales in its first month of release in North America.
MGS4 will NOT be released in '08. *Darn it!* FF13 will NOT be released in '08.
Rockband Wii will top 600k in first month sales in North America.
WiiFit will pass the PS3 WW sales by Xmas '09.

jlauro said:
It's been over 20 weeks of wii fit in Japan, and the attach rate for wiifit to new wii is selling at about 75% (and the average is already over 30%). Given that it's already exceeded 30% in Japan, and new wiis come with a 75% attach rate, I wouldn't consider 40% that unrealistic. I would expect higher attach rates in the US than in Japan.

And it's currently selling at about an attach rate of 150% in Others (251/168). That's not an indicator of anything other than that sales have not yet plateued in Others and are still tapering off in Japan.

Over time in Others, it may sort out to about 1:3 as it is in Japan if it retains its popularity.

The current 1:3 attach rate in Japan is over 10 weeks. Unless one has reason to believe Wii Fit will experience front loaded sales in NA, contrary to Japan and Others, or that Wii Fit will continually see over a 1:1 attach rate in NA until it reaches an overall attach rate of 2:5 or even 1:2 on the basis that the US is a nation of health and fitness obsessed "fatties" I'll go with the conservative (realistic) estimates.

3-4m first month NA by very optimistic estimates which would be about a 1:4 attach rate over the first four weeks.

jlauro said:
It's been over 20 weeks of wii fit in Japan, and the attach rate for wiifit to new wii is selling at about 75% (and the average is already over 30%). Given that it's already exceeded 30% in Japan, and new wiis come with a 75% attach rate, I wouldn't consider 40% that unrealistic. I would expect higher attach rates in the US than in Japan.

 While some of that is WiiFit bought for existing Wii owners, you can see WiiFit is pushing the console sales more so than any other game in Japan.

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.