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Forums - General Discussion - Tell us something we didn't know about you

wow...these are some really hilarious, and touching details about your guys' life. Thanks for sharing and for being so open.

When I was two I decided to sit in a pot used for planting. And I got stuck. Instead of pulling me free from my misery my parents went and got their camera and snapped a great photo of me screaming bloody murder naked in a pot. That picture was developed and placed in a large wooden collage with other more happy family pictures and was one of the first baby pictures I ever saw of myself when I was actually able to process information. If I hadn't been born in the 70s it would have ended up on Facebook, so at least there's that.

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super_etecoon said:
wow...these are some really hilarious, and touching details about your guys' life. Thanks for sharing and for being so open.

When I was two I decided to sit in a pot used for planting. And I got stuck. Instead of pulling me free from my misery my parents went and got their camera and snapped a great photo of me screaming bloody murder naked in a pot. That picture was developed and placed in a large wooden collage with other more happy family pictures and was one of the first baby pictures I ever saw of myself when I was actually able to process information. If I hadn't been born in the 70s it would have ended up on Facebook, so at least there's that.

That would be a really good avatar. No foolin'.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

Lonely_Dolphin said:

How are ya able to live like this, to escape the raw deal of working til you die? Please teach me your ways! Atm I don't have to do anything, but that wont last forever, my parents will eventually kick me out or die.

This could be a very long post, but I'll try to make it as short as possible.

Ultimately fate/destiny/luck (call it whatever you want) may change from person to person but there is common ground here that does apply to everyone.

The first thing you need to know is that you are a SLAVE to the system. And by you, I mean everybody (Myself included at first but not anymore). The system wants you to spend every dollar you have, through advertisement and peer pressure and also through brainwashing from birth. We are all taught from the beginning that we must go to school for at least 12 years (from 6 to 18) often more, then find a job, do what our boss tells us to do, go there for most of our life till we are 65 and then retire.

We are also told to marry, have kids and have a social life. All that brainwashing I explained plus this here, is a deadly combo that pretty much ensures you will be a slave for the rest of your life.

So the second thing you need to realize is what is objectively valuable in your life. If your answer is, marrying, having kids, a job and a social life then don't bother reading any further cause your happiness is to be a slave to the system and there is nothing in this post that can help change your life in a way that will matter to you.

If like me, you come to the realization that what matters is your TIME and FREEDOM then perhaps this post can help. In this capitalistic world we are all competing for 2 things. The first one is obviously MONEY and most people know this but the second thing, most people don't even realize they are competing for it and therefore don't really try and as a result, are poor of that thing, and I'm talking about TIME. Even people with lots of money don't realize this and what they do is work even more to make even more money and those people become addicted to simply making more money and therefore end up slaves to their addiction. No time for them to enjoy what they have cause they must work hard, impress people, go to high society parties to meet important people, spend (waste) lots of money in expensive clothes cause you wanna look rich to impress important people. Important people that at the end of the day don't give a damn about you...

Me I value time and I am very rich of it. Literally the 24 hours of the day are mine which I really love and appreciate. I don't want to HAVE to do stuff, have to work, have to take care of kids after school, have to pick up the wife at her job cause it's the end of the day and she's done working, have to go to places to go to appointments etc... Anything that is an obligation, I hate.

So I managed to organize my life in such a way that I don't have to do stuff anymore. So the first thing (and you must realize this is not for everybody, I mean most people couldn't stand this) is to NOT have a wife, NOT have kids, NOT have a job, NOT have social obligations of any sort etc.

To be clear I used to have a job cause I had no money when I was 18 and if you are starting in life, unless your parents give you a substantial amount of money, you will have to find a job to make money. But the difference with the rest of the world is that you will save every last penny of it. Doesn't matter how, stay at your parents to save on rent, don't go out on week-ends, don't go on vacations, don't go have a drink with your buddies etc. Cause all that stuff will cost you money and the more money you spend, the more dependent on the system you are and the less free you are.

Most people live paycheck to paycheck, are incapable of saving a single dollar and actually live in debt up to their necks, those people are total slaves to the system, they MUST work, no choice here, all their lives.

Me, to be clear I'm not rich, but I spent almost nothing and saved everything, month after month. 20 years later I got my own place that I own, zero debt, and passive income that is enough for me. I never tried to become rich, to make lots of money cause I don't think I have the talent to get there so I brought my spending to the bare minimum. No kids, no wife, no social life that makes me waste money, no car cause I live in a city so everything is easily accessible by foot, no wasted money in gym clubs cause by walking everywhere I exercise for free etc...

Most people don't realize the ton of money they can save by NOT following the standard model that society brainwashes them with (wife, kids, family, social life etc) So here i am, in my early 40's and completely free, lazy and spending my time between Netflix, Youtube, video games, forums like this one, walks outside when the weather is nice and so on.

I'm free, I have ZERO obligations and most importantly I love being free.

zealen said:
I'm a Pediatric cardiologist

Lazy job cause most people with heart issues do have them later in life. How often do you hear, this 10 year old kid has had a heart attack? Never!

Haha don't worry, I'm the king of lazy so I don't mean to call you lazy in a bad way. I'm so lazy I don't understand why my heart doesn't simply stop beating out of laziness...

I realigned my molar using cut-up erasers and a plastic sword from a ninety-nine cents store.

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zealen said:
I'm a Pediatric cardiologist

Super cool.

I'm too old to be a patient of yours then, but last month I made an appointment and got referred to see a cardiologist because I have been getting this sensation in my chest when I sleep at night. Right as I start to fall asleep, I oftentimes get jolted back awake and I become hyper-aware of my heart-beat and an intense sensation fills my chest. I find myself gasping for air at the same time.

I wore an event monitor for the last 30 days (finished it up on Sunday) where I had to submit symptoms when I felt them. It was basically an EKG monitor that was always present so that when my episodes occurred, they could see what was happening with my heart.

I've never had heart problems before, and I almost never go to the doctor, as most problems seem to fix themselves, but this particular problem has persisted and even gotten worse over the last six months, and for years before that I've been getting chest pain at times.

My self-diagnosis before having gone to the doctor was sleep apnea, or something with my heart, as I would notice shortness of breath when this happens, but my cardiologist believes that it is a case of anxiety, although she hasn't fully reviewed everything yet and I am going back in on the 9th of next month to follow-up with her. I just couldn't wait that long so I called to ask if they had found anything yet.

Figured I'd share, as I had never understood that anxiety caused things like that. In my naive mind, anxiety was synonymous with stress, but I had no idea it caused the body to feel odd sensations like that.

The Fury said:
I have £45k in the bank. I have no life.

Why would you ever want to have a life for? If you had one, you wouldn't have 45K in your bank account cause your life would cost you a lot.

Having a life is a totally overrated high maintenance chore.

Last edited by CrazyGamer2017 - on 28 August 2019

Another one, i've never had a cigarette and i am fine with that

melbye said:
Another one, i've never had a cigarette and i am fine with that


RaptorChrist said:
zealen said:
I'm a Pediatric cardiologist

Super cool.

I'm too old to be a patient of yours then, but last month I made an appointment and got referred to see a cardiologist because I have been getting this sensation in my chest when I sleep at night. Right as I start to fall asleep, I oftentimes get jolted back awake and I become hyper-aware of my heart-beat and an intense sensation fills my chest. I find myself gasping for air at the same time.

I wore an event monitor for the last 30 days (finished it up on Sunday) where I had to submit symptoms when I felt them. It was basically an EKG monitor that was always present so that when my episodes occurred, they could see what was happening with my heart.

I've never had heart problems before, and I almost never go to the doctor, as most problems seem to fix themselves, but this particular problem has persisted and even gotten worse over the last six months, and for years before that I've been getting chest pain at times.

My self-diagnosis before having gone to the doctor was sleep apnea, or something with my heart, as I would notice shortness of breath when this happens, but my cardiologist believes that it is a case of anxiety, although she hasn't fully reviewed everything yet and I am going back in on the 9th of next month to follow-up with her. I just couldn't wait that long so I called to ask if they had found anything yet.

Figured I'd share, as I had never understood that anxiety caused things like that. In my naive mind, anxiety was synonymous with stress, but I had no idea it caused the body to feel odd sensations like that.

Well, if its a congenital disease (something you're born with) the Pediatric cardiologist's still your doctor. We see a lot of adults with congenital heart diseases, some of them didn't know and some who've been our patients for a long time.

But I hope you don't need one and your exams turn out good. And don't underestimate anxiety...It can bring you a lot of problems. Hope it doesn't go that way!